中英双语新闻 意大利从地震废墟中拯救艺术品(在线收听

BBC news.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are holding a final day of rallies in the US presidential election after an acrimonious campaign. The latest opinion polls suggest Mrs. Clinton is leading her Republican rival by about 4 percentage points. Stockmarkets around the world have made gains following the FBI’s announcements on Sunday that Mrs. Clinton should not face charges over her emails.

The Iraqi military says it’s uncovered a mass grave containing 100 decapitated bodies in a town recently captured from Islamic state militants. The discovery was made in Hamam al-Alil near the city of Mosul.

A senior Nigerian official says women in displaced camps in the northeast of the country will feel more comfortable following the deployment of police women.A hundred female police officers have been sent to the camps which will set up for people who fled Boko Haram Islamists. Human rights watchers accused security personnel of sexually abusing women in the camps.

The Italian authorities are rushing to salvage works of art from the rubble of buildings brought down in the series of earthquakes in recent months. Police are investigating the disappearance of a 17th century painting from one church.

Police in Pakistan's biggest city Karachi say they have arrested dozens of people after series of sectarian killings. They believe two of those detained are the killers of a well-known singer Amjad Sabri, who were shot in June.

The trial has begun in New York of two nephews of the Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro. They are accused of conspiring to smuggle 800 kilograms of cocaine into the United States, they have pleaded not guilty.

The Australian government’s bid to hold a national referendumon whether to legalize same sex marriage has been defeated in the upper house of parliament. The decision is seen as a blow to the government which is led by Malcolm Turnbull.



伊拉克军队表示,他们在最近从伊斯兰国激进分子手中夺回的城镇中发现了一座万人坑,里面埋有100具被砍头的尸体。这个墓穴位于摩苏尔附近的Hamam al-Alil。



巴基斯坦最大城市卡拉奇警方表示,几起宗派杀戮事件后,他们逮捕了数十人。他们相信其中两名被捕者是六月份枪杀著名歌手艾姆贾德·萨布里(Amjad Sabri)的凶手。

对委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)两名侄子的审判工作在纽约开始。他们被指控阴谋向美国走私800千克可卡因,他们请求无罪。

澳大利亚政府试图就是否将同性婚姻合法的全民公投在议会上院遭遇阻挠。该决定被视为是对马尔科姆·特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)领导的政府的一个打击。
