美国小学英语教材2:第6课 孩子和熊(在线收听

   The Bear and the Children 孩子和熊

  Once a man had a pet bear that he took with him from town to town. 曾经有个男人有一只宠物熊,他带着它辗转于各城镇。
  People gave the man money to see the bear do tricks. 人们给男人钱来看熊的杂耍。它
  He could stand on his hind feet and walk like a man. 可以后肢站立,像人一样行走;
  He could catch a ball,too. And it was fun to see him dance. 也可以追球。看它跳舞很有趣。
  The bear looked so fierce that most people were afraid to go near him. But he was not fierce at all. 熊看起来很凶猛,大多数人不敢靠近它,但它一点儿都不凶。
  One day the man stopped at a house to get his dinner. 一天,男人在一座房子边停下来吃晚饭。
  He tied the bear to the fence and went into the house to eat. 他把熊拴在篱笆上,走进屋里吃东西。
  Upstairs in the house three little boys were playing soldier 在楼上的房间里,三个小男孩在玩打仗的游戏。
  The biggest boy had a drum, and the other children had toy guns. They  were marching. 最大的男孩有鼓,其他的孩子都有玩具枪。他们在行军。
  Suddenly the door of the room flew open, and in walked a big black bear. 突然,房间的门开了,一只大黑熊走了进来。
  How fierce the bear looked! The boys were so frightened that they ran around the room and tried to hide. 这只熊看起来多凶猛啊!男孩们非常害怕,在房间里跑来跑去,试图躲起来。
  But the bear could smell the children. 但是熊可以闻到孩子们的气味。
  Sniff, sniff, sniff he went, under the bed and behind the door. 它边走边嗅,在床下和门后发现了他们。
  In a minute he had found every one of them. But he did not hurt them. 一分钟后,它发现了所有的孩子。但没有伤害他们。
  "Don't be afraid," the biggest boy said to his brothers. "This is just a big dog, He will not hurt us." 最大的男孩对弟弟们说:“不要害怕,这只是一只大狗,它不会伤害我们的。”
  So the boys came out and began to pet the bear. He lay down on the floor. 所以,男孩们出来开始爱抚这只熊。它躺在地板上。
  The baby climbed on his back and tried to tickle him. 宝宝爬上它的背,想挠它。
  Soon the biggest boy got his drum and began to play it again. 很快,大男孩拿起他的鼓,又开始演奏了
  The bear stood up and danced on his hind feet. 熊站起来用后肢跳舞。
  "He wants to march with us," cried the children. "Let's play soldier again." 孩子们喊道:“他想和我们一起行军。我们还玩打仗的游戏吧。”
  The children got their toy guns and gave the bear a gun, too. 孩子们拿起玩具枪,也给了熊一把。
  He tried to hold it just as| the boys held theirs. 它试着像男孩们那样拿枪。
  The biggest boy started to play on the drum. 大男孩开始敲鼓。鼓声咚咚。
  Tumpa-tum, tumpa-tum it went. 他们在房间里前进。
  Round the room they all marched. Left, right, left, right, left, right! 左、右、左、右、左、右。
  What a great noise they made! 他们制造的噪音很大。
  Suddenly the door opened, and in came the children's mother. 突然门开了,孩子的母亲进来了。
  "Look, look, mother!" cried the boys. 男孩们叫道:“妈妈,看啊。
  "We have found a new playmate." And on they marched. 我们发现了一个新玩伴。”他们仍在前进。
  But the mother was frightened. 但孩子的妈妈很害怕。
  She ran to a window and called out "Help, help! There is a bear up here with my children!" 她跑到窗户处大喊“救命,救命。有一只熊和我的孩子在一起!”
  The man who owned the bear heard her call, and came running up the stairs. 那个拥有熊的男人听到了她的喊声,跑上楼梯。
  "Don't be frightened," he said. "This is a pet| bear. He won't hurt the boys." 他说:“不用害怕。这是宠物熊。它不会伤害男孩们的。”
  Then the man took the bear downstairs and started away with him. 然后他把熊带下楼,与它离开了。
  The three boys were sorry to see their new playmate go away. 三个男孩很遗憾地看着他们的新玩伴离开了。
  "We like to play with the big dog," said the baby. "Bring him here again." 宝宝说:“我们喜欢和大狗玩,把它再带回来吧。”