美国小学英语教材3:第8课 小象提比的帽子(4)(在线收听

   "Oh!" said the boy. "There are some peanuts in the house. Perhaps if we give the elephant some of them, she will stop smashing things." “噢,屋里有些花生,”男孩说道,“可能我们给她些花生,她就不踩东西了。”

  The children ran into the house and brought out the peanuts. 两个孩子跑进屋里,拿了些花生出来。
  Tippy was a very polite elephant as she stepped up and took a peanut with her trunk. 提比走上前,用鼻子拿了颗花生,她还是非常有礼貌的。
  Each time she took one, she made a bow to the children. 她每拿一颗花生,都会向两个孩子鞠个躬。
  "These are very nice children," thought Tippy. "I think I will play with them." “这些孩子真好,”提比想,“我想和他们一起玩。”
  While she was eating the peanuts, she would reach out her frisky right front foot and smash a sand pie or step on the pail. 当她吃花生的时候,她还会调皮地伸出右前脚,一会儿踩坏了沙子做的馅饼,一会儿踏在桶上。
  Once she stamped right down on a poor little doll. 有一回她正好重重地踏在了一只可怜的小玩偶上。
  "Let's give this elephant a present," said the boy. "Then maybe she will forget about smashing things." “我们送这个小象一件礼物吧,”男孩说,“那样她也许就会忘记破坏东西了。”
  "She may have my old straw hat," said the girl. “她或许能够戴上我的旧草帽。”女孩说。
  So she ran into the house and brought back a pretty hat with a red flower on one side of it. 于是她跑进屋里,拿来一顶嵌有红花的漂亮帽子。
  Tippy Elephant put her head down while the girl tied the hat on. 小象提比低下头,女孩给她戴上了帽子。
  "Oh, she looks lovely," said the girl, as Tippy bowed her head to show that she was thanking the children. “啊,她看起来真可爱。”女孩说。提比低下了她的头,表示她对两个孩子的感谢。
  Tippy was so pleased with her hat that she started for home at once. 提比很喜欢自己的帽子,她立刻往回走。
  "I can hardly wait to show Mother Elephant my beautiful hat," thought the baby elephant as she went tipping back through the field to the circus. “我真等不及向妈妈展示我漂亮的帽子了。”小象一边这样想着,一边深一脚浅一脚地穿过田野,往马戏团走。
  "Oh, how sweet you look, Tippy dear," said Mrs. Elephant, when she saw her child. 看到自己的孩子时,象妈妈说道:“噢,亲爱的提比,你看起来真可爱!”
  Tippy Elephant turned slowly around to show her mother how very pretty the hat was. 小象提比慢慢地转过身来,给妈妈看帽子有多么漂亮。
  Two monkeys came hurrying up to look at it, and a giraffe put his head down to smell the red flower. 两只猴子匆匆地跑来看了看帽子,一只长颈鹿垂下了头闻了闻红花。