美国小学英语教材3:第9课 小象提比的帽子(5)(在线收听

   Tippy Learns A Lesson 提比接受了教训

  Soon Tippy's keeper heard about the new hat and came to see it. 很快,饲养员听说了新帽子的事,他也过来想看看。
  "What a nice baby elephant she would be," he thought, "if she did not have that frisky foot." 他想:“多可爱的小象啊,如果她不调皮,不用脚乱踩的话。”
  At that minute Tippy Elephant reached out her trunk, took the keeper's straw hat from his head, and threw it down on the ground. 就在那时,小象提比伸出了鼻子,摘掉了饲养员头上的草帽,把它扔到了地上。
  And then-what do you think happened? 接下来,你猜发生了什么?
  Just as Tippy Elephant raised her frisky foot, her own hat fell off. 就在小象提比调皮地抬起脚的时候,她自己的帽子掉了下来。
  Smash! Smash! She came stamping down on the lovely hat with the red flower on it. 咔!咔!她踩到那顶嵌有红花的漂亮帽子上了。
  "Oh, my beautiful hat is smashed!" cried Tippy. “呜!我漂亮的帽子被踩坏了。”提比哭着说。
  The elephant keeper, the giraffe, the monkeys, and Mrs. Elephant all looked sadly at the poor smashed hat and felt sorry for Tippy. 大象饲养员、长颈鹿、猴子们和象妈妈看到踩坏的帽子都很伤心,都为提比感到惋惜。
  "It is too bad," said Mrs. Elephant. "But, Tippy, I do hope this will teach you a lesson. “这太糟糕了。”象妈妈说,“但是提比,我希望这能给你一个教训。
  Now you know how people feel when you stamp on their hats." 现在你知道你踩别人帽子的时候他们的感受了吧。”
  "Yes, Mother," said Tippy, with tears in her eyes, as she looked at her hat on the ground. “是的,妈妈,”提比看着地上自己的帽子,含着眼泪说,
  "I'll never do any more smashing. Never!" “我再也不会踩东西了,再也不会了!”
  And now all the circus animals and the elephant keeper love Tippy. 现在,马戏团里所有的动物和大象饲养员都喜欢提比。
  All the people who come to the circus are very fond of her. 所有来到马戏团的人也都很喜欢她。
  Tippy is still a frisky little elephant, but she never smashes pails or tin cans or hats. 提比仍然是只调皮的小象,但她不会再踩踏木桶、锡罐或帽子了。