美国小学英语教材3:第11课 不会哭的公主(2)(在线收听

   When the young girl was taken to the room, she laughed. 公主被带到屋子里的时候,她笑得很开心。

  Every time a servant came with a bowl of bread and milk, she found the princess laughing. 每当仆人送来牛奶和面包的时候,她都会发现公主在笑个不停。
  And on the last day of the week the child was as merry as ever. 到了这一周的最后一天,公主还是像之前一样的欢喜。
  "Look!"she said, "My feet are now so thin that I can't keep my slippers on,  公主说,看我的脚现在多瘦啊,连拖鞋都穿不住了,
  "As she said these words, she kicked her foot into the air and sent her slipper flying across the room. 她一边说着一边把脚踢向空中,拖鞋被甩到屋里另一处。
  How the princess laughed when she saw the surprised looks of the king and queen! 而看到国王和王后的诧异表情后,公主笑得更欢快了!
  But the queen did not laugh. 而皇后却笑不出来。
  "My poor hungry child," she said."You shall not live on just bread and milk any longer." 她说,我可怜的挨饿的孩子,你不会再只吃面包喝牛奶了。
  Hurrying to the kitchen, she told the servants to take chicken and cookies and ice cream to the princess for her next meal. 说完,她匆忙地走到厨房,告诉仆人下顿饭的时候,拿些鸡肉、饼干和冰淇淋给公主。
  Another wise man was sure that he had found a way to make the little girl cry. 又有一位智者确信自己找到了能让公主哭出来的方法。
  For six weeks he made the most awful faces and the most terrible noises. 他一连六个星期扮出各种最可怕的鬼脸并发出各种最恐怖的声音。
  To his surprise, the little girl laughed harder every day. 但让他意想不到的是,公主笑得一天比一天凶。
  So the man gave up and went away, looking very cross and very tired. 于是,这个智者放弃了,他离开了王宫,看起来很恼火,也十分疲倦。
  The last wise man who came to the palace thought the little girl would surely cry if some of her nicest toys were broken. 最后一个来到王宫的智者认为,如果她心爱的玩具被弄坏了,她就会哭出来。
  He went quickly to her room and began smashing her beautiful playthings. 于是,他飞快地走到公主的屋里,开始破坏她的那些漂亮的玩具。
  But the princess did not care. 但是公主根本不在乎。
  "What fun! What fun!" she cried, and in a moment she, too, was throwing the toys about and laughing merrily. “太有趣了,太有趣了”!公主大叫着,很快,她自己也把玩具扔得到处都是,并且开心地笑着。
  At last everyone began to think that nothing could be done to make the princess cry. 最后,所有人都认为没法让公主哭了。
  "She will just have to go on laughing always," they said sadly. “她会一直这样笑下去”,他们忧心忡忡地说。