美国小学英语教材3:第16课 傻蛋的故事(2)(在线收听

   Soon he came to the palace and knocked at the door. 不一会儿,傻蛋来到宫殿前并敲了敲门。

  When a servant opened the door, Simpleton said, "I have a present to give to the king." 一个仆人打开了门,傻蛋说,我有一件礼物要送给国王。
  "Oh, indeed,"said the servant, "Let me see it, "Simpleton opened his basket and showed him the goose, 嗯,这很好,仆人说,让我看看,傻蛋揭开篮子给他看看肥鹅,
  "That is a very fine goose," said the servant, "but half of it is mine. 真是只上好的肥鹅啊,仆人说,不过这只肥鹅应该有我的一半。
  For I am the keeper of the door, and half of everything that is carried in must be given to me." 因为我是门卫,所有带进去的东西都要分我一半。
  "But I can not take half a goose to the king," said Simpleton. "What shall I do?" 但是我总不能拿半只鹅送给国王啊,傻蛋说。我该怎么办才好呢?
  "I will tell you what to do," said the servant, "If you take the goose to the king, he will give you a reward. 我来告诉你怎么办吧,仆人说,你把鹅献给国王,国王会奖赏你的。
  You can give half of the reward to me." 你可以把奖赏的一半给我。
  When Simpleton promised to give up half of his reward, the servant let him go into the palace. 在傻蛋答应让出自己一半的奖赏后,这个仆人让他进入了宫殿。
  There, at the foot of the stairs, stood another servant. 在楼梯口,还站着另一个仆人。
  "I have a present for the king," Simpleton said to this one, as he showed him the goose. 我有一件礼物要给国王,傻蛋一边对这个人说,一边给他看了一下肥鹅。
  "That is a fine goose," said the servant, "but half of it is mine. 真是只上好的肥鹅啊,仆人说,但这只鹅的一半是我的。
  I am the keeper of the stairs, and half of everything that goes up them belongs to me." 我是看守楼梯的侍卫,所有送上去的东西有一半是我的。
  Simpleton had to promise this servant, also, half of the reward. 于是傻蛋也答应给这个仆人一半的奖赏。
  At once the servant took him to the king. 这个仆人立刻带他去了国王那里。
  While the second servant was waiting to see what the king would do, the first servant came in. 当第二个仆人等在那里要看国王做什么的时候,第一个仆人也进来了。
  The king was much pleased with Simpleton's present. 国王很喜欢傻蛋的礼物。
  "This is a very fine goose, indeed," he said. 这确实是只上好的肥鹅,国王说。
  "You shall have a reward. What would you like?" 你应该得到赏赐,你要什么?