美国小学英语教材3:第18课 内容回顾(在线收听

   A Backward Look 内容回顾

  Now that you have read the first stories in your book, would you like to share them with someone who has not read them? 现在你读完了本书第一部分的故事,你愿意跟没有读过这些故事的人分享它们吗?
  Perhaps you could play that you are a story-teller, like the men of long ago who went from town to town, telling tales. 或许你可以扮演说书人的角色,就像很久以前游走在城镇之间讲故事的人那样,把这些故事讲给其他人听。
  If you can learn to tell things very well, your friends and your familywill all want to listen to you. 如果你能把故事讲得很好,你的朋友和家人都会想听的。
  Choose the story you like best in "Good Stories from Everywhere," and try to make someone else enjoy it as much as you did. 从《世界各地的精彩故事》这一部分中选取你最喜欢的故事,试着让别人也像你一样喜欢他。
  If you thought the story was funny, try to make it sound funny when you read it out loud or tell it. 如果你认为这个故事很有趣,那就在你朗读或讲述的时候尽量让这个故事听起来很有趣。
  If someone in the story was sad or surprised at something, try to make the one who is listening understand this. 如果故事中的一个角色对于一件事情感到伤心或惊讶,尽量让听故事的人也能明白这一点。
  Perhaps after you have enjoyed it with someone else, you will like the story even more than you did at first. 或许,在你和别人分享这则故事后,你会比之前更喜欢它了。