美国小学英语教材3:第32课 巴兹蜂巢拯救记(4)(在线收听

   "Suddenly the little bee smelled something strange. 突然,巴兹闻到了奇怪的气味。是窃贼蜂,他想。

  'Robbers, she thought. In a minute a robber bee flew at her, but Buzzy was such a good fighter that the robber bee had to fly off. 很快,一只窃贼蜂朝她飞来,巴兹很擅长攻击,窃贼蜂只得飞走了。
  "Soon other bees came and tried to get in. 很快,其它窃贼蜂也飞来了,试图闯进去。
  Just as Buzzy was thinking that she could never fight so many robbers, some of her friends in the hive came to help her. 就在巴兹担心自己没办法击退那么多窃贼蜂的时候,在蜂巢中的一些伙伴赶来帮助了她。
  The robber bees were all driven away, and Buzzy had saved the hive. 窃贼蜂被驱逐走了,巴兹拯救了整个蜂巢。
  "The next day a new queen was hatched, and all the bees were happy. 第二天一个新的蜂后孵出来了,所有的蜜蜂都很高兴。
  At once the workers hurried out and began to gathered flower juices. 马上就有工蜂冲了出去,他是收集花蜜了。
  The bees at the door were careful not to let in any robber bees. 门口的蜜蜂也很小心,不让任何窃贼蜂进来。
  The new queen was very beautiful. 新蜂后非常漂亮。
  She laid many hundreds of eggs, which hatched out so many bees that soon the hive was quite strong again. 她下了成百上千的卵,孵出了许多蜜蜂,很快蜂巢又强盛了起来。
  And that is the end of the story," said Mother. 这就是故事的结局,妈妈说。
  "How much longer did Buzzy live?" asked Bob. 那巴兹活了多长时间呢?鲍勃问。
  "Only a short time," answered Mother. 只有很短的一段时间,妈妈回答道。
  "Bees live between five and six weeks in summer, when they gather honey. 在夏季采蜜时出生的蜜蜂只有五六周的寿命。
  But they live all winter if they are hatched in the fall," 但如果是秋季孵出来的蜜蜂,能活整个冬天。
  "Buzzy lived in the summer, didn't she?" said Nancy. 那巴兹是活在夏天了,是吗?南希说。
  "My, didn't she have an exciting time in her short life?" 天那,她不是在自己短暂的生命里活出了令人激动的时刻吗?