英国语文第一册 第19期:跷跷板(在线收听

   LESSON 19 THE SEE-SAW 第十九课 跷跷板

  Look at me! I am up in the air. See, I let go both hands, and yet I do not fall. 瞧瞧我啊!我冲上了云霄。看,我放开了双手,我也没有落下去。
  Now, John, do you try. You go up, and I go down. 现在,约翰,你来试试。你上升,我下降。
  Take care, and hold fast while you are up in the air. .小心啊,当你悬在空中时要紧紧抓牢
  See-saw! Up and down. It is great fun to ride on the see-saw. 跷跷板!上上又下下。骑在跷跷板上玩真有趣。