中英双语新闻 南苏丹饥荒灾民开始收到救援(在线收听

BBC News with Eileen McCue.

In a rare show of opposition to the authorities, thousands of Russians have marched in Moscow and other cities to commemorate the murdered opposition leader Boris Nemtsov. They are the biggest protests since those held on the first anniversary of the shooting. Demonstrators chanted and brandished placards against Mr Putin and the war in Ukraine.

The United States has condemned an attack on international officials who’ve been monitoring a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine. The OSCE said on Friday that pro-Russian rebels had surrounded one of its teams of monitors. The US state department called on Russia and the separatist forces it backs to immediately observe the ceasefire.

Aid has begun to reach tens of thousands of people hit by famine in South Sudan after the United Nations negotiated access to areas controlled by rebels. The famine is the first declared anywhere in the world for six years. One hundred thousand people are facing starvation in Unity state. Pope Francis has said he’s considering visiting South Sudan possibly together with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to highlight the suffering there.

Official figures show that there were more than 2,500 attacks against individual refugees in Germany last year. The figures also show there were almost 1,000 attacks on migrant shelters in the same period, a similar number to that recorded the year before.

Morocco says it will pull back from an area in the disputed territory of Western Sahara that has raised tensions with Polisario Front separatists. The foreign ministry said the decision was taken by King Mohammed at the request of the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

And the national zoo in El Salvador has been temporarily closed after an attack on the country’s only hippopotamus. Officials said the animal, called Gustavito, was in a serious condition after being repeatedly stabbed by intruders who broke in during the night.

Eileen McCue为您报道BBC新闻。

在一场罕见的反对当权者的活动中,数千名俄罗斯人在莫斯科和其他城市游行,纪念被谋杀的反对派领袖涅姆佐夫(Boris Nemtsov)。这是自枪击事件一周年以来举行的最大规模的抗议活动。示威者高呼口号,挥舞着反对普京和乌克兰战争的标语。


联合国与叛军控制地区进行协调过后,南苏丹数万名受饥荒影响的灾民开始收到救援物资。这是全世界六年来首次宣布饥荒的地区。联合州10万人濒临饿死的边缘。教皇方济各表示,他正在考虑与坎特伯雷大主教贾斯汀·韦尔比(Justin Welby)一起探访该地区,引起人们对该地区形势的关注。


摩洛哥表示,他们将从有争端的西撒哈拉一个地区撤出,该地区曾引起他们与波利萨里奥阵线的紧张关系。外交部表示,该决定是穆罕默德国王应联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)的要求做出的。

