中英双语新闻 阿根廷首都罢工导致交通瘫痪(在线收听

BBC News with Julie Candler.

The US secretary of state Rex Tillerson says there will be no role for the Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad in the future Syria. Mr. Tillerson called the suspected use of chemical weapons on Tuesday a serious matter that required a serious response. Reports from Washington say detailed discussion are going on between the Pentagon and White House about possible military action in Syria.

The United Nations says at least 27 children are now known to have been among the dozens of people killed during the suspected gas attack in Syria.

The US senate has approved a historic role change to prevent the minority democrats blocking President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court. The vote by a majority of 52 to 48 deprived the democrats of using the filibuster procedure to prevent this conformation of the conservative judge Neil Gorsuch.

Donald Trump is due to host his first talk with the Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Florida, an encounter which the US president has predicted will be very difficult. Mr. Trump’s outspoken attacks on Chinese trade policy were a key part of his election campaign.

The start of a 24-hour general strike in the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, has shut down public transport, as demonstrators blocked city streets. Unions and officials say participation is high, as workers protest against job cuts and the economic policies of the conservative President, Mauricio Macri.

A court in Tunisia has sentenced a British DJ in absentia to a year in jail, after he played a remixed recording of the Muslim-called prayer. Videos of clubbers dancing to the music caused outrage when it appeared on social media.

The world No.1 golf player, Dustin Johnson, has pulled out of the U.S. Masters after sustaining an injury in a fall at his home. The American's withdrawal came just before he was due to start his first round at Augusta.

Julie Candler为您播报BBC新闻。

美国国务卿蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)表示,未来叙利亚将不再有其现任领导人阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)的一席之地。蒂勒森表示,周二的袭击事件涉嫌使用化学武器,斯事体大,需要阿萨德方面做出严肃回应。美国方面发回的报道称,美国国防部与美国政府正在就在叙利亚采取可能的军事行动而进行详细的讨论。


美国众议院审批通过了一项职能的历史性转变,该转变旨在阻止少数民主党议员阻挠特朗普总统对最高法院的提名。最终,52:48的优势削除了共和党议员通过程序性阻挠议事(filibuster)来阻止保守派法官尼尔(Neil Gorsuch)当选的最终确认。


阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯长达24小时之久的罢工已导致公共交通瘫痪,因为抗议示威者堵塞了城市的多条街道。工会和相关工作人员表示,这次罢工的参与度很高,示威者的工人抗议保守派总统马克里(Mauricio Macri)削减了工作岗位,实施了不利的经济政策。


世界排名第一的高尔夫秋收达斯汀 约翰逊(Dustin Johnson)已退出美国名人赛(Masters),因其在家中不慎跌倒而受伤。这名美国高尔夫球手退出消息发出之时已临近其在奥古斯塔的第一轮比赛。
