中英双语新闻 文在寅当选韩国新总统(在线收听

The liberal human rights lawyer Moon Jae-in has claimed victory in South Korea's presidential election. Addressing cheering supporters in Seoul, Mr. Moon promised to 

create a country of justice and to govern for all South Koreans. The election follows months of turmoil caused by the impeachment of the conservative President Park 


The White House has approved to supply weapons to Kurdish militants fighting the Islamic State group in Syria. The weapons will help the YPG militia in the offensive 

against the IS stronghold of Raqqah.

There's been a sharp rise in infant mortality and maternal death rates in Venezuela. In the first figures released since the start of the country's economic crisis, 

the Health Ministry said the number of women dying in child birth was up by 65% while child deaths were up 30%.

The U.N. says 4 of its peacekeepers in the Central African Republic were killed in an ambush on Monday. A fifth member of the convoy is missing.

President Trump will not make a decision on future U.S.'s participation in the Paris Agreement on greenhouse gas emissions until after he returns from a G7 summit at 

the end of the month. Mr. Trump criticized the deal while in the campaign trail last year and had been due to meet his climate advisors on Tuesday.

The governing body of world football is to investigate last summer's sale of the French star Paul Pogba by Juventus to Manchester United, the most costly transfer ever 

concluded. It will look into the commission pay to Pogba's agent, following the 110-million-dollar deal.

A twitter message from an American teenager asking a burger chain for a year's supply of chicken nuggets has become the most retweeted message ever. Rapidly going viral, the message has now reached nearly 3.5 million retweets, raising 100,000 dollars for a children's charity.


自由派人权律师文在寅(Moon Jae-in)在韩国的总统选举中获胜。在首尔向欢呼庆祝的支持者发表讲话时,文在寅承诺创建一个正义的国家,一个为所有韩国人服务的国家。选举之前,弹劾保守派总统朴槿惠引发了几个月的混乱。





世界足球管理机构正在调查去年法国球星保罗·博格巴(Paul Pogba)从尤文图斯足球俱乐部转签曼联的相关事宜,这次球员转会的成本是有史以来最高的。国际足联将调查耗费1.1亿美元的转会费后支付给博格巴的经纪人的佣金。

