美国语文第一册 第25期:复习(在线收听

 Come, boys, and feed the cows. The sun has set, and they are at the barn. 男孩们,过来喂牛吧。太阳已经落山了,牛儿已在牛棚里。

Sue has a bell on the neck of her pet cat. 苏把一个铃铛挂在她宠物猫的脖子上。
One hot day Ann and Nell sat on the grass in the shade of a big tree. 一个很热的天,安和内尔坐在一棵大树树荫下的草地上。
They like to rock their dolls, and sing to them. 他们喜欢摆弄自己的娃娃,唱歌给它们听。
The brave men in our boat are on their way to the ship. 我们小船上的勇士们正在赶往大船的途中。
They will save the men in the ship, if they can. They will not let them drown. 他们将全力救出大船上的人。他们不会让那五个人淹死。
What bird has big eyes? The owl. Can an owl see at night? 什么鸟有双大眼睛?猫头鹰。猫头鹰夜里能看东西吗?
Yes, an owl can see best at night. 是的,猫头鹰在夜间看得最清。