中英双语新闻 美国海军驱逐舰与菲律宾货柜船相撞(在线收听


BBC news with Jim Lee.

President Trump has said he’s canceling his predecessor Barak Obama’s agreement with the Cuban government two years after relations between the countries were 

restored. At a ceremony in Miami, Mr.Trump described the deal as completely one sided despite the tougher stance that he’s not reversing key diplomatic and commercial ties and won’t close the American embassy in Havana.

A jury in the US state of Minnesota has acquitted the police officer who fatally shot an African American man after pulling him over for an alleged traffic offense. 

The shooting last year became instant international news because Philando Castile‘s girl friend who was beside him in the car live streamed his dying moment on 


An Israeli border policewoman has been killed in a stabbing and gun attack outside the old city of Jerusalem. Her attacker was shot dead as were two other assailants 

who had opened fire to group of offices nearby. Police say all three attackers were Palestinians.

Tributes have been pouring in for the former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, a father of German, who’s died at the age of 87. His 16 years in office made him the 

longest serving German Chancellor of the 20th century.

A US navy destroyer has collided with the Phillippe’s container ship off the east coast of Japan. The navy says the USS Fitzgerald is now heading for the nearby port 

of Yokosuka under its own power. The Japanese Coast Guard is at the scene.There are reports of some injures, no details have been released about the container ship.

Hundreds of protesters angered the official response to the West London tower block fire have marched from the residence of the British Prime Minister Theresa May 

calling on her to resign. She had earlier announced an emergency fund of more than six million dollars for food and clothing.

The online retail giant Amazon is buying the organic grocery chain Whole Foods in a deal worth 13.7 billion dollars. Whole Foods has more than 450 stores in the 

US,Canada and Britain. 

Jim Lee为您报道BBC新闻。


美国明尼苏达州一个陪审团宣布一名警官无罪。这名警官因一名非裔美国男子违反交通规则让他靠边停车后开枪致其死亡。去年发生的这起枪击事件引起国际社会强烈反响,因为Philando Castile的女朋友当时就在车内坐在死者旁边,她在社交网站脸书上直播了男友死亡的过程。


德国前总理,德国统一之父柯尔(Helmut Kohl)去世,享年87岁,全国各地举行悼念活动。柯尔在位16年,是20世纪执政时间最长的德国总理。

美国一艘海军驱逐舰与菲律宾一艘货柜船在日本东海岸相撞。海军表示,菲茨杰拉德(USS Fitzgerald)号驱逐舰现在正依靠自己的动力驶向附近的横须贺港口。日本海岸警卫队也在事故现场。报道称有几人受伤,目前还没有披露关于货柜船的详细资料。

对西伦敦公寓大火官方反应感到愤怒的数百名抗议者从首相特里莎·梅(Theresa May)的官邸开始游行,要求她辞职。她早些时候宣布拨付600万美元的紧急资金用于购买食品和衣物。

