美国语文第一册 第92期:放学(在线收听

 It is noon, and the school is out. Do you see the children at play?  中午,学校放学了。你看到孩子们在玩吗?

Some run and jump, some play ball, and three little girls play school under a tree. 一些人在跑跑跳跳,一些人在踢球,还有三个小女孩儿在树下学习。
What a big room for such a small school! 这么小的学校竟然有这么大的教室!
Mary is the teacher. They all have books in their hands, and Fanny is reading. 玛丽是位老师。她们手里都拿着书,范妮正在阅读。
They are all good girls, and would not be rude even in playing school. 她们都是好女孩,即使她们在玩上课的游戏时,也不会没有礼貌。
Kate and Mary listen to Fanny as she reads from her book.  凯特和玛丽正在听范妮讲她在书里读到的故事。
What do you think she is reading about? I will tell you.  你知道她都读到了些什么吗?我来告诉你吧,
It is about a poor little boy who was lost in the woods. 这是一个穷苦男孩在森林里迷路的故事。
When Fanny has finished, the three girls will go home. 当范妮讲完之后,三个女孩就要回家了。
In a little while, too, the boys will give up their playing. 再过一小会,男孩们的游戏也快结束了。