美国语文第一册 第97期:滑冰(在线收听

 I like winter, when snow and ice cover the ground.  我喜欢冬天,当冰雪覆盖大地。

What fun it is to throw snowballs, and to skate on the ice! 打雪仗和滑冰多么有趣!
See the boys and girls! How merry they are!  看看这些男孩和女孩!他们玩得多高兴呀!
Henry has his sled, and draws his little sister. There they go! 亨利用他的雪橇拉着小妹妹。瞧,他们走啦!
I think Henry is kind, for his sister is too small to skate. 我觉得亨利非常善良,他的妹妹太小,还滑不了冰。
Look! Did you see that boy fall down?  看!你看到那个男孩摔倒了吗?
But I see he is not hurt, for he is laughing. 我觉得他没有受伤,因为他还在笑呢。
Some other boys have just come to join in the sport. See them put on their skates. 其他一些男孩刚刚过来加入了游戏。看,他们穿上了冰鞋。
Henry says, that he hopes his father will get a pair of skates for his sister next winter. 亨利说,他希望爸爸能在明年冬天给他妹妹买一双冰鞋。