美国小学英语教材3:第45课 从未笑过的公主(3)(在线收听

 In the middle of the night, the oldest daughter got out of bed and went quietly to the room where the boy had left the goose. 午夜时分,大女儿从床上爬起来,悄悄的来到了男孩放鹅的屋子里。

She said to herself, "I will take just one golden feather." 她自言自语说,我只拔一根金羽毛。
But when she touched the feather, her fingers stuck to the goose and she could not get them away. 但是当她碰到羽毛的时候,她的手指变粘到了鹅身上,挣脱不掉了。
Soon the second daughter came to the room, and, seeing her sister, cried out, 不久二女儿也来到这间屋子,她看到自己的姐姐便大声说,
"You greedy girl! You want all the feathers for yourself!" 你这个贪婪的丫头!你竟然想得到所有的羽毛!
But when she tried to pull her away from the goose, her fingers stuck fast to her sister. 当她试图将她姐姐从鹅身边推开的时候,却发现她的手指紧紧的粘在了她姐姐的身上。
Then the third daughter came into the room, and saw her two sisters there. 接着,三女儿也来到了这间屋里,看到两个姐姐在那。
She was very angry, for she had planned to take some of the golden feathers herself. 她非常生气,因为她也打算拔走一些金羽毛。
She took hold of her second sister, and at once found that she could not get away. 她抓住她的二姐,立刻便发觉自己脱不了身了。
So the three sisters had to stay together for the rest of the night. 于是这一夜剩下的时间,三姐妹不得不呆在一起。
Early in the morning the boy put the goose under his arm and set out for home. 一大早男孩便抱起鹅往家走,酒店老板的三个女儿也不得不跟着他。
The three daughters of the inn-keeper had to go with him, because their hands were stuck fast. 因为她们的手被紧紧地粘在了一起。
The boy and the three sisters had not gone far when they met two lads, who called to the boy, "Stop! Set those girls free!" 男孩和三姐妹没走多远,就遇见了两个少年,他们向男孩喊道,停下来,快放了那些女孩!
As he made no answer, the lads took hold of the sisters to pull them away. 男孩没有回话,两个少年便抓住了姐妹几人,想脱开她们。
But their hands stuck fast, too, and they had to follow. 但是他们的手也紧紧地粘上去了,不得不跟着一起走。