美国小学英语教材3:第46课 从未笑过的公主(4)(在线收听

 Many others tried to help the three sisters, but all found themselves stuck fast! 许多人都试图帮助这三姐妹,但都发现自己被紧紧地黏住了!

At last there was a long line of people following the boy and the golden goose. 最后一长队的人跟在男孩和金鹅后面。
It was so funny that everyone who saw them laughed merrily. 这场景十分有趣,每个看到他们的人都笑得很开心。
In this way the line of people came to the town in which lived a rich king. 就这样这一长队的人来到了一个小镇,小镇上正好居住着一个富有的国王。
Now this king had a daughter who had never laughed. 国王有个女儿,她从来不曾笑过。
Most of the day she sat at her window, looking out sadly. 她每天大部分时间坐在窗口,忧郁的看着窗外。
At last her father said, "Whoever is able to make the princess laugh shall have her for his wife!" 最后她的父亲说,谁能让公主笑,谁就能娶她为妻!
It happened that the princess was at her window when the boy came down the street with the golden goose. 这个男孩带着那只金鹅沿街走过的时候,碰巧公主就坐在窗口。
When she saw the long line of people walking after him and trying to break away, she laughed until the tears ran down her cheeks. 公主看到这一长队的人,一边走在男孩的身后,一边试图挣脱出来,她笑得都流泪了!
At the same moment all the people following the boy were set free. 这个时候所有跟着男孩的人都自由了。
One of the princess's maids ran to tell the king that his daughter had laughed. 公主的女仆跑去告诉国王说她的女儿笑了。
At once he sent for the boy, who came in with the golden goose under his arm. 国王立刻派人请来了这个男孩,男孩怀里抱着金鹅走进了王宫。
The king kept his promise, and soon the lad and the princess were married. 国王遵守诺言,很快这个男孩和公主就结婚了。