美国小学英语教材2:第44课 万圣节猫咪(1)(在线收听

 The Halloween Cat 万圣节猫咪

"Meow! Meow! Meow!" sang a black cat as she sat on the fence one Halloween. "Meow! Meow! Meow!" “喵!喵!喵!”,在一个万圣节,一只黑猫坐在篱笆上唱着“喵!喵!喵!”
A dog growled. The cat jumped down and hid under the porch steps. 一条狗冲它咆哮。猫跳下来,藏在了门廊台阶底下。
She had never had a home or anyone to feed and love her. 从来没有一个家或人来喂它和爱它。
Tonight she was very hungry. 今晚它很饿。
So when everything was quiet, she came out from under the porch. 所以万物俱静时,它从门廊下走了出来。
The side door of the house was open just a little, and a light was shining out across the yard. 房子的侧门开了一点儿,透出来的灯光照亮了院子。
It looked so warm and bright inside that the cat ran up on the porch and right into the house. 它看起来是那么的温暖明亮,以至于猫跑上了门廊,径直走进房子里。
The black cat had never been in a house before, 黑猫从来没有进过房子,
and everything in the room seemed very strange to her. 房间里的一切对它来说都很陌生。
A table was set for a party, and right in the middle of it was a jack-o-lantern. 为宴会准备的桌子中央是一盏南瓜灯。
Light was shining from his round eyes and funny nose and wide mouth. 光从它圆圆的眼睛、滑稽的鼻子和宽宽的嘴里照出来。
Oh, how frightened the black cat was, until she saw that the jack-o-lantern was smiling at her! 噢,黑猫多么害怕啊,直到它看到南瓜灯向自己微笑才不怕了。
"He looks like my good friend the moon," she thought. "He will not hurt me." “它看起来像我的好朋友月亮。”它想,“它不会伤害我。”
So the black cat jumped on the table and rubbed against the jack-o-lantern. 于是,黑猫跳上桌子,摩擦着南瓜灯。
He felt nice and warm. 它摸起来温暖美好。
Then she looked all about her, and by each plate she saw a tiny black cat. 然后它看看四周,在每个盘子里发现了一只小黑猫。
The tiny black cats looked like mice. 这些小黑猫看起来像老鼠。
"Perhaps these things are mice," she thought. "But how still they are!" “或许这些东西是老鼠,”它想,“但它们好静啊!”
She reached out and touched one of them with her paw, and the tiny cat fell over. 它伸出爪子去碰一只小猫。小猫跌倒了,
Its head came off, and out rolled some small pieces of candy. 脑袋掉了下来,滚出来一小块糖果。
The black cat was so surprised that she jumped back and bumped against the smiling jack-o-lantern. 黑猫非常惊讶,它跳了回去,撞到了那盏微笑的南瓜灯。
When she found that she was not hurt, she went on looking for something to eat. 当它发现自己没有受伤时,继续找东西吃。
A cup of milk was by each plate. 每个盘子旁都有一杯牛奶。
When the black cat saw the milk, she gave a loud "meow." 黑猫看到牛奶时,它“喵”得一声大叫,
She put her head down into one cup and drank every drop. 头伸进一个杯子里,把牛奶喝得一滴不剩。