美国语文第三册 第23期:应牢记之事(在线收听

   LESSON 25 第25课

  avoid  避免
  prevent  防止
  forgive  原谅
  rise  上升
  guide 指南
  during  在……之间
  pouting  噘嘴
  protection  保护
  slam  大满贯
  manner 方式
  peevish  脾气暴躁的
  howling  咆哮
  satisfied 满意
  trust  信任
  angry 生气
  When you rise in the morning, remember who kept you from danger during the night.  当你早上起床时,要记住那个在夜晚使你免遭危险的人。
  Remember who watched over you while you slept, and whose sun shines around you, and gives you the sweet light of day. 要记得那个于你熟睡时一直在旁守护的人,那个在你身边光芒四射的人以及那个带给你甜美时光的人。
  Let God have the thanks of your heart, for his kindness and his care; and pray for his protection during the wakeful hours of day. 愿上帝赋予你感恩的心,为了他的仁慈与关爱;并且在你清醒的时候祈求他的护佑。
  Remember that God made all creatures to be happy, and will do nothing that may prevent their being so, without good reason for it. 请记住,上帝让所有生灵都快乐,并且从不会无故地阻止他们获得幸福和快乐。
  When you are at the table, do not eat in a greedy manner, like a pig.  当你坐在饭桌旁,不要像猪一样贪婪地吃东西。
  Eat quietly, and do not reach forth your hand for the food, but ask some one to help you. 你应安安静静地吃,不要伸出手去拿远处的食物,而应请其他人帮忙取。
  Do not become peevish and pout, because you do not get a part of everything.  不要因为自己事事无份而轻易暴躁生气,
  Be satisfied with what is given you. 要对自己被赋予的一切心满意足。
  Avoid a pouting face, angry looks, and angry words. Do not slam the doors.  我们应尽量避免生气、愤怒的面貌和恶毒的话语,更不要猛力敲门。
  Go quietly up and down stairs; and never make a loud noise about the house. 我们应该安静平稳地上下楼梯;永远不要在居家附近制造噪音。
  Be kind and gentle in your manners; not like the howling winter storm, but like the bright summer morning. 我们应有和善且温柔的礼仪,不要像咆哮的冬日暴雪,而要像阳光明媚的夏日清晨。
  Do always as your parents bid you.  当父母对你有所吩咐时,应奉命行事。
  Obey them with a ready mind, and with a pleasant face. 要带着心甘情愿的心情和愉悦的面容顺从他们。
  Never do anything that you would be afraid or ashamed that your parents should know.  不要做任何会让自己害怕或羞愧的事情,父母都会了然于胸。
  Remember, if no one else sees you, God does, from whom you can not hide even your most secret thought. 请记住,即便无人看到你的所作所为,上帝也会看到;即使你最隐秘的思想,在上帝那里也无处藏身。
  At night, before you go to sleep, think whether you have done anything that was wrong during the day, and pray to God to forgive you.  入夜,上床前,好好想想白天是否做过什么错事,并且要向上帝祈求原谅。
  If anyone has done you wrong, forgive him in your heart. 如果有人做了对不起你的事情,那就从心里原谅对方。
  If you have not learned something useful, or been in someway useful, during the past day, think that it is a day lost, and be very sorry for it. 在过去的一天里,如果你尚未学到有用的东西,或者未达到某种有用的程度,想想这虚度的一日吧,你应感到万分歉意。
  Trust in the Lord, and He will guide you in the way of good men.  相信上帝,他会引领你走上好人之路。
  The path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. 正直就像一道耀眼的光,会使你越来越完美。
  We must do all the good we can to all men, for this is well pleasing in the sight of God.  我们必须为所有人做一切力所能及的好事,因为这样才会取悦上帝。
  He delights to see his children walk in love, and do good one to another. 他喜欢看到自己的孩子在爱中成长,并且善待自己和他人。