美国语文第三册 第33期:回声(2)(在线收听

   "Well," said his mother, "if I were in the open air, by the side of a hill or a large barn, and should speak very loud," 他的妈妈说:“是的,如果我在一个空旷的地方,在山的一侧或者在一个大谷仓的一边大声地喊,”

  my voice would be sent back, so that I could hear again the very words which I spoke. 我的声音也会被送回来,这样我就能再次听到那些自己说过的话了。
  That, my son, is an echo. 孩子,这就是回声。
  When you thought some one was mocking you, it was only the hill before you, echoing, or sending back, your own voice. 当你认为有人在嘲笑你时,正是面前的大山产生了回响,把你的声音又传了回来。
  The bad boy, as you thought it was, spoke no more angrily than yourself. 你想象中的那个坏孩子,也不会比你更生气。
  If you had spoken kindly, you would have heard a kind reply. 如果你说些友好的话,就能听到一个友好的回答了。
  Had you spoken in a low, sweet, gentle tone, the voice that came back would have been as low, sweet, and gentle as your own. 如果你用低沉、甜美、温柔的声调说话,那个声音也会像你发出的声音一样低沉、甜美和温柔。
  The Bible says, "A soft answer turneth away wrath." 《圣经》里说,“柔和的回答可以消除愤怒。”
  Remember this when you are at play with your schoolmates. 你和同学们玩耍时一定要记得这些话。
  If any of them should be offended, and speak in a loud,angry tone, 如果他们当中任何一个人正在生气,用愤怒的声调大声讲话,
  remember the echo, and let your words be soft and kind. 你要记得回声的规律,让自己回应的话语柔和友善。
  When you come home from school, and find your little brother cross and peevish, speak mildly to him. 放学回家时,你若发现小弟弟蛮横暴躁,就温和地同他讲话。
  You will soon see a smile on his lips, and find that his tones will become mild and sweet. 很快你就会看到他那充满笑意的嘴角,你还会发现,他的声调也变得温和甜蜜起来。
  Whether you are in the fields or in the woods, at schoolor at play, at home or abroad, 无论在田野中还是在树林里,无论学习还是玩耍,无论在家中还是在外面,
  remember, the good and the kind,By kindness their love ever proving, Will dwell with the pure and the loving. 都要记得,好人和善良之人,他们的爱都会通过友好的行为来证明,他们永远都会住在纯洁和爱之中。