美国语文第三册 第37期:小刀(在线收听

   "It's mine," said Fred, showing a white handled pocket knife, with every blade perfect and shining. “这是我的,”弗雷德一边说,一边展示着一把带手柄的白色小刀,刀锋闪闪发亮,非常漂亮。

  Just what I've always wanted. 正是我之前一直想要的。
  And he turned the prize over and over with evident satisfaction. 他将战利品翻来覆去地把玩,带着明显的满足感。
  "I guess I know who owns it," said Tom, looking at it with a critical eye. “我想,我应该知道它的主人是谁。”汤姆说着,用挑剔的眼神看了一眼这把小刀。
  "I guess you don't," was the quick response. "It isn't Mr. Raymond's," said Fred, shooting wide of the mark. “我认为你根本不知道,它根本不是雷蒙德先生的。”弗雷德很快地回答,他的话有点不着边际。
  "I know that; Mr. Raymond's is twice as large," observed Tom, going on with his drawing lesson. “我知道,和雷蒙德先生完全无关。”汤姆一边看着,一边准备去上自己的绘画课。
  Do you suppose Fred took any comfort in that knife? 你认为汤姆拿到这把小刀会很舒服吗?
  Not a bit of comfort did he take. 他一点儿也不舒服。
  He was conscious all the time of having something in his possession that did not belong to him; 他时刻感觉自己占有了本不属于自己的东西;
  and Tom's suspicion interfered sadly with his enjoyment. 而且,汤姆的疑心也残酷地扰乱了他的快乐。
  Finally, it became such a torment to him, that he had serious thoughts of burning it, or burying it, or giving it away; 最后,这竟然变成了他心中的痛,他也曾认真地想过要烧掉它、埋掉它、扔掉它;
  but a better plan suggested itself. 但是,他又想出了一个更好的主意。
  "Tom," said he, one day at recess, "didn't you say you thought you knew who owned that knife I found?" 有一天,在休息时,他说:“汤姆,你不是说过,你知道这把刀归谁所有吗?”
  Yes, I did; it looked like Doctor Perry's. 是的,我知道;看上去像是佩理医生的。
  And Tom ran offto his play, without giving the knife another thought. 汤姆说完就跑去玩了,根本没再想过这把刀的事。
  Dr. Perry's! 是佩理医生的!
  Why, Fred would have time to go to the doctor's office before recess closed: 哎呀,在休息时间结束之前,弗雷德完全有时间去医生办公室;
  so he started in haste, and found the old gentleman getting ready to visit a patient. 于是,他匆忙赶过去,却发现这位老先生正要去看一个病人。
  "Is this yours?" cried Fred, in breathless haste, holding up the cause of a week's anxiety. “这是您的吗?”弗雷德举着那个使他焦虑不安了一周的罪魁祸首,上气不接下气地喊道。
  "It was," said the doctor; "but I lost it the other day." “是的,”医生说,“但是,我已经丢了好几天了。”
  "I found it," said Fred, "and have felt like a thief ever since. 弗雷德说:“我找到了它,从那以后,我就一直感觉自己像个小偷一样。
  Here, take it; I've got to run. 在这里,拿走吧,我得赶紧回去上课了。
  "Hold on!" said the doctor. "I've got a new one, and you are quite welcome to this." “等一下!”医生说,“我又有了一把新的,你可以留着这把刀。”
  "Am I? May I? Oh! thank you!" And with what a different feeling he kept it from that which he had experienced for a week! “我可以吗?噢,非常感谢!”与前一周的感受相比,这种感觉多么与众不同呀!