美国语文第三册 第48期:哈里和路牌(在线收听

   The night was dark, 夜色漆黑一片,

  the sun was hid beneath the mountain gray, 太阳隐藏在灰暗的山后;
  And not a single star appeared 天上看不到一颗星,
  To shoot a silver ray. 不见一丝银光。
  Across the heath the owlet flew, 猫头鹰飞过荒野,
  And screamed along the blast; 一阵尖叫声掠过;
  And onward, with a quickened step, 加快脚步向前冲,
  Benighted Harry passed. 哈里的身后已被夜色包围。
  Now, in thickest darkness plunged, 此时,陷入最深沉的黑暗
  He groped his way to find; 他摸索着探寻前路;
  And now, he thought he saw beyond, 此刻,他觉得自己看见
  A form of horrid kind. 远处一个可怕的怪物。
  In deadly white it upward rose, 死寂般苍白怪物向上立起,
  Of cloak and mantle bare, 没穿披风斗篷的它光溜溜,
  And held its naked arms across, 交叉着赤裸的双臂,
  To catch him by the hair. 似要抓住哈里的头发使劲揪。
  Poor Harry felt his blood run cold, 看到眼前站立的这个东西
  At what before him stood; 可怜的哈里感到毛骨悚然;
  But then, thought he, no harm, I'm sure, 他转念一想,我相信,
  Can happen to the good. 好人一生平安。
  So, calling all his courage up, 他鼓起全部勇气,
  He to the monster went; 迎面走向怪物;
  And eager through the dismal gloom 热切渴望穿过阴沉的黑暗,
  His piercing eyes he bent. 他那似要刺穿一切的双眼无比专注。
  And when he came well nigh the ghost 当怪物近在咫尺,
  That gave him such a fright, 那个令他如此恐惧的幽灵,
  He clapped his hands upon his side, 他不禁扬起手拍在它身上,
  And loudly laughed out right. 失声大笑不停。
  For't was a friendly guidepost stood, 站在面前的是友善的路牌,
  His wandering steps to guide; 为指引他流浪的脚步;
  And thus he found that to the good, 这更让他彻底明白,
  No evil could betide. 邪灵无法阻挡好人的路。
  Ah well, thought he, one thing I've learned, 啊,好吧,他想,
  Nor shall I soon forget; 我上了一课,我将好好记住;
  Whatever frightens me again, 无论何事让我恐慌,
  I'll march straight up to it. 我将踏着大步直面而上。
  And when I hear an idle tale, 当我听到愚蠢的故事,
  Of monster or of ghost, 说有幽灵或鬼怪,
  I'll tell of this, my lonely walk, 我会讲述这次寂寞夜路的经历,
  And one tall, white guidepost. 还有那高高的白色路牌。