美国语文第三册 第72期:我们是七个(2)(在线收听

   Their graves are green, they may be seen, 看得见他们青青的坟墓,

  The little maid replied, 小姑娘说道,
  Twelve steps or more from mother's door, 离屋门口只有大概十二步,
  And they are side by side. 他们在一起,紧紧依靠。”
  My stockings there I often knit, 我经常在那里编织毛袜,
  My kerchief there I hem; 为我的手帕缝上褶边;
  And there upon the ground I sit, 我常常在坟旁的地上坐下,
  And sing a song to them. 为他们唱首歌消遣消遣。
  And often after sunset, sir, 先生,常常在日落之后的傍晚,
  When it is light and fair, 当天还没黑,光线还亮,
  I take my little porringer, 我会带上我的小汤碗,
  And eat my supper there. 在那里把我的晚饭吃光。
  The first that died was sister Jane; 简,我的姐姐最早进的坟墓,她便从此远离。
  In bed she moaning lay, 她躺在床上呻吟不止,
  Till God released her from her pain; 直到上帝免除了她的痛苦,
  And then she went away. 她便从此远离。
  So in the churchyard she was laid; 于是她在教堂的墓地躺下,
  And, when the grass was dry, 当墓上的草一干,
  Together round her grave we played, 我们就围着她的坟墓玩耍。
  My brother John and I. 就是我和我的哥哥约翰。
  And when the ground was white with snow, 等到大地被白雪覆盖,
  And I could run and slide, 我可以乱跑乱滑,
  My brother John was forced to go, 我的哥哥约翰被迫离开,
  And he lies by her side. 他就在简的身边躺下。
  "How many are you, then?" said I, “那你们还剩下几个?”,我说,
  If they two are in heaven? “既然他们两个去了天国?”我问
  Quick was the little maid's reply, 小姑娘的回答快得很,
  O master! we are seven. 噢,先生,我们是七个没错。
  But they are dead; those two are dead! 可是他们死了,那两个已经死了啊!
  Their spirits are in heaven! 他们的灵魂在天国里!
  IT was throwing words away: for still 我说这些话也是白搭
  The little maid would have her will, And said, "Nay, we are seven." “不,我们是七个,”小姑娘还是坚持。