美国语文第三册 第74期:玛丽·道(在线收听

   "Come in, little stranger," I said, “请进,小陌生人,”我开口,

  As she tapped at my half-open door; 当她轻轻叩响我那半开的门扇,
  While the blanket, pinned over her head, 别在她头上的布毯,
  Just reached to the basket she bore. 垂落到她手中的篮子里。
  A look full of innocence fell, 她的蓝色眼睛美丽而害羞,
  From her modest and pretty blue eye, 投向我的眼神天真可爱,
  As she said, "I have matches to sell," 她说:“我有一些火柴出售,”
  And hope you are willing to buy. 希望您愿意购买。
  A penny a bunch is the price, 一把火柴只要一便士,
  I think you'll not find it too much; 我想这个价钱您不会觉得很高;
  They are tied up so even and nice, 火柴捆得整整齐齐,
  And ready to light with a touch. 轻轻一擦就能点着。
  I asked, "What's your name, little girl?" 我问她:“你叫什么名字,小姑娘?”
  "'Tis Mary," said she, "Mary Dow;" “我叫玛丽。”她说,“姓陶,名叫玛丽。”
  And carelessly tossed off a curl, 一缕卷发随意滑落脸上,
  That played on her delicate brow. 在她精致的额前嬉戏。
  My father was lost on the deep; 我父亲的船没能回到岸边,
  The ship never got to the shore; 他消失在海的深处;
  And mother is sad, and will weep, 只要一听见海风海浪的声音,
  To hear the wind blow and sea roar. 伤心的母亲就会哭。”
  She sits there at home, without food, 她守在可怜的威利病床边,
  Beside our poor, sick Willy's bed; 整天在家里吃不下饭;
  She paid all her money for wood, 她买木柴就花了所有的钱,
  And so I sell matches for bread. 所以为了面包我才出来卖火柴。
  I'd go to the yard and get chips, 我愿意到院场上捡拾碎木片,
  But then it would make me too sad 可是那会让我非常伤心,
  To see the men building the ships, 因为我会见到工人在造船,
  And think they had made one so bad. 想起曾经有过一艘坏船夺走了父亲,
  But God, I am sure, 可是上帝,我深信不疑,
  Who can take such fatherly care of a bird, 能给予小鸟慈父般呵护的上帝,
  Will never forget nor for sake 永远不会忘记,也不会放弃,
  The children who trust in his word. 信赖他每一句话的孩子。
  And now, if I only can sell 现在,只要我能卖掉,
  The matches I brought out today, 今天带出来的这些火柴,
  I think I shall do very well, 我想我会做得很好,
  And we shall rejoice at the pay. 挣的钱会让我们感到愉快。”
  "Fly home, little bird," then I thought, “飞回家吧,小鸟儿,”后来我在心里独白,
  Fly home, full of joy, to your nest; 飞回家,满怀欢乐,飞回你的巢里。
  For I took all the matches she brought, 因为我买下了她所有的火柴,
  And Mary may tell you the rest. 剩下的事情也许玛丽会告诉你。