美国语文第四册 第31期:霜之奇想(在线收听

   The Frost looked forth one still, clear night, 霜看到一个平静而晴朗的夜晚,

  And whispered, Now I shall be out of sight; 低语道,现在我要淡出人们视野;
  So through the valley and over the height 穿过河谷,越过高山,
  In silence I'll take my way; 我会悄悄地出发;
  I will not go on, like that blustering train, 我不会像呼啸的火车那般前行,
  The wind and the snow, the hail and the rain, 风和雪、雹和雨,
  Who make so much bustle and noise in vain, 枉费了制造出的那么多喧嚣与噪音,
  But I'll be as busy as they. 但我会和他们一样繁忙不已。
  Then he flew to the mountain, and powdered its crest; 然后他飞到山边,给山峰打上了粉;
  He lit on the trees, and their boughs he dressed in diamond beads; and over the breast of the quivering lake, 他落在树上,给树枝穿上了钻石般的珠子;在胸膛般起伏的湖面上,
  he spread a coat of mail, that it need not fear 他展开一幅铠甲,再不需要担心
  The downward point of many a spear, 长矛的戳戳点点,
  That he hung on its margin, far and near, 他将四周全部包裹。
  Where a rock could rear its head. 在石头裸露在外的地方,
  He went to the windows of those who slept, 他还光顾了人们熟睡的窗子,
  And over each pane, like a fairy, crept; 在每块窗格玻璃上,像精灵般慢慢爬行;
  Wherever he breathed, wherever he stepped, 无论他在哪里呼吸,无论他在哪里踏足,
  By the light of the morn were seen 伴随着黎明的光线看到,
  Most beautiful things; there were flowers and trees; 最美丽的东西;那些花和树,
  There were bevies of birds, and swarms of bees; 成群的鸟儿和蜜蜂;
  There were cities with temples and towers, 拥有神庙和高塔的城市;
  and these all pictured in silver sheen. 这些全都披上了银白的光泽。
  But he did one thing that was hardly fair; 但他还做了一件不那么公允的事;
  He peeped in the cupboard, 他向碗橱中窥望,
  and, finding there that all had forgotten for him to prepare, 发现那里所有东西都忘记为他准备了,
  Now just to set them a-thinking, 现在就让他们想一想,
  I'll bite this basket of fruit, said he, 我把这筐水果咬了,他说道,
  This costly pitcher I'll burst in three; 这个价值不菲的水罐我要闯三闯;
  And the glass of water they've left for me 这杯他们留给我的水
  Shall 'tchick!' to tell them I'm drinking. 会发出‘乞’的声音,告诉他们我正喝着。