美国语文第四册 第39期:哈里的财富(2)(在线收听

   Just then Uncle Ben looked up from the paper he had been reading: "Harry," said he, 正在这时,本叔叔从他阅读着的报纸上看过来,“哈里,”他说道,

  I want to find out something about eyes; so, if you will let me have yours, I will give you a dollar apiece for them. 我正想对眼睛进行一些研究,如果你愿意把你的眼睛给我,我付给你一只眼睛一美元。
  "For my eyes!" exclaimed Harry, very much astonished. “交换我的眼睛吗!”哈里异常震惊地叫道。
  "Yes," resumed Uncle Ben, quietly,for your eyes. “是的,”本叔叔平静地继续说道,换你的眼睛。
  I will give you chloroform , so it will not hurt you in the least, and you shall have a beautiful glass pair for nothing, to wear in their place. 我会给你打麻醉针,所以不会对你有一丁点伤害。然后你会戴上一对漂亮的玻璃眼珠,戴在眼睛的位置。
  Come, a dollar apiece, cash down! What do you say? I will take them out as quick as a wink. 来吧,一只一美元,直接付现金!你看怎么样?我会在眨眼间把它们取下来。
  "Give you my eyes, uncle!" cried Harry, looking wild at the very thought, "I think not." “叔叔,把我的眼睛给你?”哈里哭喊道,看似对这个想法感到非常气愤。“我看不行。”
  And the startled little fellow shook his head defiantly. 受到惊吓的小家伙反抗地摇着头。
  "Well, five, ten, twenty dollars, then." Harry shook his head at every offer. “好吧,那么5元、10元、20元呢。”哈里对每个报价都摇头。
  No, sir! I wouldn't let you have them for a thousand dollars! 不,先生!您就是给我1000美元,我也不会给您我的眼睛!
  What could I do without my eyes? I couldn't see mother, nor the baby, nor the flowers, nor the horses, nor anything, added Harry, growing warmer and warmer. 要是没了眼睛,我还能做些什么呢?我再也看不见妈妈,看不见宝宝,看不见花朵,看不见马儿,什么都看不见了。哈里越来越焦急地补充道。
  "I will give you two thousand," urged Uncle Ben, taking a roll of bank notes out of his pocket. “我给你2000美元,”本叔叔极力劝说道,同时还从衣袋里拿出一叠纸币。
  Harry, standing at a respectful distance, shouted that he never would do any such thing. 哈里表示尊敬地站在保持一定距离的地方,大声喊道他绝对不会这么做的。
  "Very well," continued the uncle, with a serious air, at the same time writing something in his notebook, “很好,”叔叔继续说道,这次更加严肃,同时在他的笔记本上写着些什么。
  I can't afford to give you more than two thousand dollars, so I shall have to do without your eyes; 因为我没法付给你超过2000美元,所以我不用你的眼睛做试验了,
  but, he added, I will tell you what I will do, I will give you twenty dollars if you will let me put a few drops from this bottle in your ears. 但——他补充道,我会告诉你我要怎么做。如果你让我往你耳朵滴几滴瓶子里的药水,我就给你20美元。
  It will not hurt, but it will make you deaf. I want to try some experiments with deafness, you see. 这不疼,但会让你耳聋。我准备进行一些关于耳聋的试验。