美国语文第四册 第46期:鹰(在线收听

   The eagle seems to enjoy a kind of supremacy over the rest of the inhabitants of the air. 鹰似乎比飞在空中的其他动物拥有更至高无上的地位。

  Such is the loftiness of his flight, that he often soars in the sky beyond the reach of the naked eye, 包括它的飞行高度——它能够在空中翱翔到肉眼看不到的高度,
  and such is his strength that he has been known to carry away children in his talons. 还有它的力量——据说它可以用爪子提起小孩。
  But many of the noble qualities imputed to him are rather fanciful than true. 但是它被赋予的很多卓越品质都是想象出来的,并不是事实。
  He has been described as showing a lofty independence, 在人们的描述中,它表现出很高傲的自主性。
  which makes him disdain to feed on anything that is not slain by his own strength. 这使它不屑于进食非它自己力量杀死的猎物。
  But Alexander Wilson, the great naturalist, says that he has seen an eagle feasting on the carcass of a horse. 但伟大的博物学家亚历山大.威尔森说他曾看到一只鹰把一匹马的残骸当大餐。
  The eagle lives to a great age. 鹰可以活到很大年纪。
  One at Vienna is stated to have died after a confinement of one hundred and four years. 一只生活在维也纳的鹰据说在被饲养了104年后离世。
  There are several species of the eagle. 鹰分为很多种类。
  The golden eagle, which is one of the largest, is nearly four feet from the point of the beak to the end of the tail. 金鹰,即鹫,是最大的之一,从鸟喙的顶点到尾部几乎有四英尺长。
  He is found in most parts of Europe, and is also met with in America. 它生活在欧洲大部分地区,同样也出现在美国。
  High rocks and ruined and lonely towers are the places which he chooses for his abode. 高高的岩石或者废弃、荒凉的高塔是它自己选择的栖身之所。
  His nest is composed of sticks and rushes. 它的窝一般由木棍和灯芯草制成。
  The tail feathers are highly valued as ornaments by the American Indians. 鹫尾部的羽毛非常名贵,因为美洲的印第安人用它们做装饰品。
  The most interesting species is the bald eagle, as this is an American bird, and the adopted emblem of our country. 最有趣的种类要数秃鹰了,因为它是一种美国鸟,并且已经被当作了美国的象征。
  He lives chiefly upon fish, and is found in the neighborhood of the sea, 它主要以鱼类为食,栖息在美国附近的海域,
  and along the shores and cliffs of our large lakes and rivers. 以及大河、大湖的海岸边和岩石上。
  According to the description given by Wilson, he depends, in procuring his food, chiefly upon the labors of others. 根据威尔森给出的描述,秃鹰获取食物主要依靠其他鸟类的劳动。
  He watches the fishhawk as he dives into the sea for his prey, and darting down upon him as he rises, 当鱼鹰扎进海里捕食猎物时,秃鹰会在一边旁观。等鱼鹰一出水面,秃鹰就会冲撞它,
  forces him to relinquish his victim, and then seizes it before it again reaches the water. 迫使它放弃猎物,然后在猎物返回水面前把它抓住。
  One of the most notable species is the harpy eagle. 其中最引人注目的是哈比鹰。
  This is said to be bold and strong, and to attack beasts, and even man himself. 据说它非常大胆,非常强壮,会袭击野兽甚至人类。
  He is fierce, quarrelsome, and sullen, living alone in the deepest forests. 同时它也异常凶猛、好斗,总是非常阴郁而沉默,独自生活在森林深处。
  He is found chiefly in South America. 主要栖息在南美地区。