美国语文第四册 第50期:环境不同 处理各异(1)(在线收听

   Good morning, neighbor Scrapewell. 早上好,斯科利普韦尔。

  I have half a dozen miles to ride today, and shall be extremely obliged if you will lend me your gray mare. 我今天要赶十几英里路,如果你能把你的灰马借我,我将感激不尽。
  It would give me great pleasure to oblige you, friend Derby; 能够帮你是我莫大的荣幸,德比;
  but I am under the necessity of going to the mill this very morning, with a bag of corn. 但我今天一早就必须要到磨坊去,还要驮着一袋玉米。
  My wife wants the meal to-day, and you know what a time there'll be if I disappoint her. 我妻子今天想吃粗粮,你知道,如果我让她扫兴了,日子得多难过。
  Then she must want it still, for I can assure you the mill does not go today. 那么她一定会更想吃了,因为我可以向你保证,磨坊今天不开门。
  I heard the miller tell Will Davis that the water was too low. 我听说磨坊主跟威廉姆·戴维斯说水位太低了。
  You don't say so! That is bad, indeed; for in that case I shall be obliged to gallop off to town for the meal. 不见得吧!不过确实是太倒霉了;那样的话我就不得不骑马飞奔着进城去弄粗粮了。
  My wife would comb my head for me if I should neglect it. 如果我忽略了这件事,我妻子肯定会修理我的。
  I can save you this journey, for I have plenty of meal at home, and will lend your wife as much as she wants. 我能让你不必出门了,因为我家里有很多粗粮,可以借给你妻子,她要多少都行。
  Ah! neighbor Derby, I am sure your meal would never suit my wife. You can't conceive how whimsical she is. 啊!德比,我敢肯定你的粗粮不符合我妻子的要求,你都想象不出她有多古怪。
  If she were ten times more whimsical than she is, I am certain she would like it; 即使她比现在古怪十倍,我也敢肯定她会喜欢我的粗粮,
  for you sold it to me yourself, and you assured me it was the best you ever had. 因为这些是你们卖给我的,你还保证说这是你们最好的。
  Yes, yes! that's true, indeed; I always have the best of everything. 是的,是的!确实是事实;我的一切东西都总是最好的。
  You know, neighbor Derby, that no one is more ready to oblige a friend than I am; 你看,德比,没人比我更乐于助人了。
  but I must tell you the mare this morning refused to eat hay; and, truly, I am afraid she will not carry you. 但是我必须告诉你,今天早上灰马拒绝吃草,事实上,我是担心它载不了你。