美国语文第四册 第51期:环境不同 处理各异(2)(在线收听

   Oh, never fear! I will feed her well with oats on the road. Oats! neighbor; oats are very dear. 哦,不用担心!我会在路上给它喂燕麦的。燕麦!邻居啊,燕麦很贵。

  Never mind that. When I have a good job in view, I never stand for trifles. 没关系。当有个好工作在望时,我不会在乎细微小事的。
  But it is very slippery; and I am really afraid she will fall and break your neck. 但是路非常湿滑,我真的很担心它摔倒后折断你的脖子。
  Give yourself no uneasiness about that. The mare is certainly sure-footed; 您自己千万不要为此担忧。灰马肯定会步履稳健的
  and, besides, you were just now talking of galloping her to town. 另外,刚才您还说要骑着它飞奔去镇上呢。
  Well, then, to tell you the plain truth, though I wish to oblige you with all my heart, my saddle is torn quite in pieces, 那么,跟你说实话吧,虽然我全新全意想要帮助你,可我的马鞍已经破成一片一片的了,
  and I have just sent my bridle to be mended. 而且我也已经把缰绳送去修理了。
  Luckily, I have both a bridle and a saddle hanging up at home. 运气不错,我家里正挂着一副马鞍和缰绳。
  Ah! that may be; but I am sure your saddle will never fit my mare. She's very notional. 哈!那倒是可能,但我相信你的马鞍配我的灰马肯定不合适。它是很有想法的。
  Why, then I'll borrow neighbor Clodpole's. Clodpole's! his will no more fit than yours. 咳,那么我去借邻居克劳德普家的。克劳德普家的!他的不会比你那个更合适。
  At the worst, then, I will go to my good friend, Squire Jones. He has half a score of them; 最坏的情况是,我去找好朋友斯贵艾尔.琼斯。他那有十来个,
  and I am sure he will lend me one that will fit her. 我相信他会把适合灰马的借给我。
  You know, friend Derby, that no one is more willing to oblige his neighbors than I am. 德比,你看,没人比我更乐于帮助邻居了。
  I do assure you the beast should be at your service, with all my heart; 我全心全意地向你保证,这匹马应该服务于你;
  but she has not been curried, I believe, for three weeks past. Her foretop and mane want combing and cutting very much. 但在过去三个星期我都没给它梳理额毛和鬃毛。额毛和鬃毛现在非常需要修剪。
  If anyone should see her in her present plight, it would ruin the sale of her. 如果有人看到它这么糟糕,肯定会降低它的身价的。