美国语文第四册 第79期:荨麻(2)(在线收听

   A little cloud rose out like enchantment, and four beautiful little stems sprung up as if they were alive; 一朵云雾玫瑰般的小花长了出来,四条小小的枝茎仿佛有生命一般涌了出来。

  and, now that I look again with the glass, I see an elegant little flower as nice and perfect as a lily itself. 现在我再用放大镜看,能看见一朵像百合花一样漂亮而优雅的小花了。
  Well, now examine the leaves. Oh, I see they are all covered over with little bristles 很好,现在再看看叶子。哦,我看见叶子上面都覆盖着一层很细小的硬毛
  and when I examine them with the glass, I see a little bag, filled with a juice like water, at the bottom of each. 当我用放大镜看时,能看到每根硬毛的下面都有一个小囊袋,里面充满着像水一样的汁液。
  Ha! These are the things which stung me. Now touch the little bag with the point of the pin. 哈!这些就是蜇我的东西。现在,用大头针的头碰碰那个小囊袋。
  When I press the bag, the juice runs up and comes out at the small point at the top; 当我按压它时,里面的汁液挤了上来,从顶部的小孔处流出来。
  so I suppose the little thorn must be hollow inside, though it is finer than the point of my cambric needle. 所以我估计那个小刺里面应该是空的,尽管它比我的麻纱针的针头锋利多了。
  Have all the leaves those stings? 所有的叶子上都有这些刺吗?
  No, papa; some of the young ones are quite green and soft, like velvet, and I may handle them without any danger. 不是的,爸爸。一些嫩刺还很绿很软,像天鹅绒,我处理它们一点都没危险。
  Now look at the stem, and break it. 现在看看枝干,把它折断。
  I can easily crack it, but I can not break it asunder, for the bark is so strong that it holds it together. 我很容易就把它弄折了,但没法让它断开,因为外皮太坚韧了,总连在一起。
  Well, now you see there are more curious things in the nettle than you expected. 好了,你看荨麻里奇妙的事情比你想象的多很多吧。
  Yes, indeed, I see that. But you have often told me that God makes nothing without its use; 是啊,我看到了。但是您原来经常告诉我说上帝造的每样东西都有它的用处。
  and I am sure I can not see any use in all these things. That we will now consider. 我可是看不出这些能有什么用。那是我们现在要来考量的事。
  You saw the little flower burst open, and a cloud rose, you say, like enchantment. 你看到了小花的绽开,一片玫瑰色的云雾,你说像有魔力一样。
  Now all this is necessary for the nature of the plant. 所有这些都是植物自然生长所必需的。