美国语文第四册 第87期:马(4)(在线收听

   This, from her size and symmetry, greatly increased her value. 从它的体型大小和体格匀称程度来看,这样的年龄无疑大大增加了它的价值。

  The gentleman said, "I will give you eighty tomans," (nearly two hundred and fifty dollars). 绅士说:“我给你80托曼金币(约合250美元)。”
  "A little more, if you please," said the fellow, somewhat entertained. “请再加点吧,”阿拉伯人有点恳切地说。
  "Ninety—a hundred." He shook his head and smiled. “90~100。”他还是微笑着摇摇头。
  The officer at last came to three hundred tomans, (nearly one thousand dollars). 最后,英国军官给到了300托曼金币(约合1000美元)。
  "Well," said the Arab, you need not tempt me further. “好吧,”阿拉伯人说,您不要再诱惑我了。
  You are a rich nobleman, and, I am told, have loads of silver and gold. 我听说您是个有钱的贵族,有成堆的金银财宝。
  Now, added he, "you want my mare, but you shall not have her for all you have got." 现在,他补充说,“您想要我的马,但又不愿意用您所有的钱去换它。”
  He put spurs to his horse, and was soon out of the reach of temptation. 说完,他将马鞭放在马上,很快离开了这个充满诱惑的地方。
  The horse can swim, when necessary, as well as most other animals, although he is not very fond of the water. 虽然马不太喜欢水,但当情况需要时,马也能像其他动物一样游泳。
  Some years ago a vessel was driven upon the rocks, on the coast of the Cape of Good Hope, 几年前,一艘船在好望角的岸边撞到了礁石上,
  and most of the crew fell an immediate sacrifice to the waves. 大部分船员很快成了海浪的牺牲品。
  Those who were left were seen from the shore, clinging to the different pieces of the wreck. 从岸上看去,活下来的那些人都抓着船体残骸。
  The sea ran so high that no boat could venture off to their assistance. 海浪非常高,没有船敢冒险出海去营救他们
  Meanwhile, a planter had come from his farm to be a spectator of the shipwreck. 就在这时,一个庄稼汉从农场走来,看到了船只遇险。
  His heart was melted at the sight of the unhappy seamen, 员们遇难的景象顿时融化了他的心,
  and, knowing the bold spirit of his horse and his excellence as a swimmer, 他知道自己的马非常勇敢,而他自己也是名游泳高手,
  he determined to make a desperate  effort for their deliverance. 于是决定不顾一切去营救船员们。
  Having blown a little Brandy into his horse's nostrils, he pushed into the midst of the breakers. 他先往马的鼻孔里擦了些白兰地,然后牵着马儿冲进了浪花里。
  At first both horse and rider disappeared, but it was not long before they floated to the surface, and swam up to the wreck; 刚一进到海里,马和骑手都消失了,但不久他们就浮出了水面,朝着船的残骸游了过去。
  when, taking two men with him, each of whom held on by one of his boots, the planter brought them safe to shore. 他让两名船员每个人都抓住他的一只靴子,然后安全地将他们带回了岸边。
  This was repeated no less than seven times, and he saved fourteen lives; 这样重复了至少七次,救回了14条生命。
  but on his return the eighth time, being much fatigued, and meeting a tremendous wave, he lost his balance and sank in a moment. 但当他第八次返回时,由于太过疲惫,又加上遇到巨浪,他的身体失去了平衡,顷刻间沉了下去。
  His horse swam safely to land, but its gallant rider sank, to rise no more. 他的马安全地回到陆上,可它勇敢的主人却沉到了水里,再也没有起来。