美国语文第四册 第88期:竞争(1)(在线收听

   Frank's father was speaking to a friend, one day, on the subject of competition at school. 一天,弗兰克的爸爸正在和一个朋友聊天,内容是关于校园内竞争的。

  He said that he could answer for it that envy is not always connected with it. 他说自己敢负责任地说,嫉妒并不总是和竞争联系在一起。
  He had been excelled by many, but did not recollect ever having felt envious of his successful rivals; 很多人都比他优秀,但他不记得自己曾经嫉妒过对手的成功。
  "nor did my winning many a prize from my friend Birch," said he, "ever lessen his friendship for me." “我从朋友波驰那里赢过很多奖,”他说,“但这丝毫没有削弱他和我的友谊。”
  In support of the truth of this, a friend who was present related an anecdote which had fallen under his own notice in a school in his neighborhood. 为支持这种说法的真实性,在场的一位朋友讲述了他注意到的一个故事,就发生他家社区的学校里。
  At this school the sons of several wealthy farmers, and others, who were poorer, received instruction. 在这所学校里,一些富农的孩子和贫农的孩子一起上课接受教育。
  Frank listened with great attention while the gentleman gave the following account of the two rivals: 弗兰克全神贯注地听着,这位绅士讲述了以下关于两名竞争对手的故事。
  It happened that the son of a rich farmer and the son of a poor widow came in competition for the head of their class. 一个富农的儿子和一个穷寡妇的儿子在班里竞争当班长。
  They were so nearly equal that the teacher could scarcely decide between them; 他们两人的成绩不分伯仲,老师也没法决定让谁来当。
  some days one, and some days the other, gained the head of the class. 有些时候其中一个人的成绩是班上最好的,过些天另外一个人的成绩又是最好的。
  It was determined by seeing who should be at the head of the class for the greater number of days in the week. 最后决定,谁在一周里成绩好的时间长就由谁来当班长。
  The widow's son, by the last day's trial, gained the victory, 在最后一天的角逐中,寡妇的儿子获得了胜利,
  and kept his place the following week, till the school was dismissed for the holidays. 并将优势保持到了接下来的一周,直到学校假期的来临。