美国语文第四册 第89期:竞争(2)(在线收听

   When they met again the widow's son did not appear, 当开学后再见面时,寡妇的儿子没有出现。

  and the farmer's son, being next to him, might now have been at the head of his class. 富农的儿子因为成绩紧随其后,可以成为班上的班长了。
  Instead of seizing the vacant place, however, 但是,他并没有抢占这个空位置,
  he went to the widow's house to inquire what could be the cause of her son's absence. 而是去寡妇的家里询问是什么原因使得她儿子上课缺席。
  Poverty was the cause; the poor woman found that she was not able, 原因是贫穷。可怜的女人发现她不能,
  with her utmost efforts, to continue to pay for the tuition and books of her son, 尽了最大努力也没办法继续支付儿子的学费和书本费了,
  and so he, poor fellow! had been compelled to give up his schooling, and to return to labor for her support. 可怜的家伙!所以他不得不被迫辍学,回到家里帮妈妈干活。
  The farmer's son, out of the allowance of pocket money which his father gave him, 富农的儿子拿出父亲给他的零用钱,
  bought all the necessary books and paid for the tuition of his rival. 给他的对手买齐了所需的课本,交齐了学费,
  He also permitted him to be brought back again to the head of his class, 还允许他再次做回班长的位置。
  where he continued for some time, at the expense of his generous rival. 寡妇的儿子继续做着班长,而学费却是慷慨的对手提供的。