美国语文第四册 第105期:谁的亲人沉睡在这里(2)(在线收听

   Somebody's hand has rested there; 亲人的手放在他的身上;

  Was it a mother's, soft and white? 是母亲的手吗,柔和而白皙?
  And have the lips of a sister fair, 是他美丽的爱人祷告的双唇吗,
  Been baptized in the waves of light? 浸润在清晨的阳光里?
  God knows best! he was somebody's love: 上帝知道!谁是他的亲人,
  Somebody's heart enshrined him there; 谁把他珍藏在心里;
  Somebody wafted his name above, 阵阵重复着他的名字,
  Night and morn, on the wings of prayer. 日日夜夜的祷告声里。
  Somebody wept when he marched away, 他奔向战场时,又有谁在啜泣,
  Looking so handsome, brave, and grand; 如此英俊、勇敢和骄傲;
  Somebody's kiss on his forehead lay; 谁亲吻着他的前额;
  Somebody clung to his parting hand. 抓着他的手不忍分离。
  Somebody's watching and waiting for him, 谁在注视和等待着他,
  Yearning to hold him again to her heart; 渴望再次与他相拥;
  And there he lies, with his blue eyes dim, 他却躺着,眼睛黯然无光,
  And the smiling, childlike lips apart. 天真的双唇轻启泛着笑容。
  Tenderly bury the fair young dead, 轻轻埋葬了年轻的美丽身躯,
  Pausing to drop on his grave a tear; 停在墓前泪水轻轻滴落;
  Carve on the wooden slab at his head, 在头部的一块木牌上,刻着,
  Somebody's darling slumbers here. 谁的亲人沉睡在这里。