美国语文第四册 第120期:失踪的孩子(3)(在线收听

   Soon, a joyful shout proclaimed the safety of the child. 很快,喜悦的喊声传来,孩子是安全的。

  The shout was borne from tongue to tongue, till the whole forest rang again with the joyful sound. 喊声口口相传,直到整个森林都响起了喜悦的声音。
  A messenger rapidly bore the tidings to the distracted mother. 一个报信的人迅速把消息带给心烦意乱的母亲。
  A procession was immediately formed by those engaged in the search. 参与搜寻的人们立刻排成一队。
  The child was placed upon a platform, hastily formed from the boughs of trees, and borne in triumph at the head of the procession. 在队伍的最前头,人们胜利地抬着临时用大树枝做成的台子,孩子就在上面。
  When they arrived at the brow of the hill, they rested for a moment, and proclaimed their success with three loud and animated cheers. 当他们来到坡顶的时候,休息了一会,随着三次热烈的大声欢呼,宣布搜寻工作胜利了。
  The procession then moved on till they arrived in front of the dwelling where the parents of the child resided. 队伍继续向前,最后来到了失踪孩子的家。
  The mother, who stood at the door, with streaming eyes and throbbing heart, could no longer restrain herself or her feelings. 站在门口的母亲流着泪,心扑通扑通地跳,此时再也无法控制自己的感情了。
  She rushed into the street, clasped her child to her bosom, and wept aloud. 她冲到街上,把孩子抱在胸前,大声哭了起来。
  Every eye was filled with tears, and, for a moment, all were silent. 所有人的眼睛也噙着泪水,那一刻非常安静。
  But suddenly some one gave a signal for a shout. 突然,一个人给出了欢呼的信号。
  One loud, and long, and happy note of joy rose from the assembled multitude, and they went to their business and their homes. 人群中发出了长长的喜悦的欢呼声,人们各自返回工作或家里。
  There was more joy over the one child that was found than over the ninety and nine that went not astray. 找到一个失踪的孩子带给人们的喜悦比九十九个没失踪的更多。
  Likewise, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. 同样,当着上帝的天使,一个罪人的忏悔也一样令人喜悦。
  But still, this is a feeble representation of the love of our Father in heaven for us, and of the joy with which the angels welcome the returning wanderer. 这确实代表了上帝对我们的爱,以及天使欢迎浪子回头的喜悦。
  The mother can not feel for her child that is lost as God feels for the unhappy wanderer in the paths of sin. 一个母亲对失踪孩子的感受,无法和上帝对犯罪的不幸的浪子产生的感受相比。
  If a mother can feel so much, what must be the feelings of our Father in heaven for those who have strayed from his love? 如果一个母亲能有那么深的感受,那么上帝对于迷失了爱的浪子的情感会是怎样的呢?
  If man can feel so deep a sympathy, what must be the emotions which glow in the bosom of angels? 如果人类有那么深的情感,那么天使的心中洋溢的情感会是怎样的呢?