美国语文第四册 第157期:河口剧场(1)(在线收听

   "Now, boys, what shall we do?" I asked, addressing a thoughtful conclave of seven, “现在,孩子们,咱们做点什么呢?”我问七个聚集在我家谷仓的男孩子。

  assembled in our barn one dismal, rainy afternoon. "Let's have a theater," suggested Binny Wallace. 一个阴霾的雨天的下午,“我们办个剧场吧,”宾尼.华莱士建议道。
  The very thing! But where? 好主意!可是剧场在哪里?
  The loft of the stable was ready to burst with hay provided for Gypsy, but the long room over the carriage house was unoccupied. 谷仓阁楼堆满了给马准备的干草,但马车库对面还有空地。
  The place of all places! 这个地方最合适!
  My managerial eye saw at a glance its capabilities for a theater. 我用主办人的眼光扫视了一下,看能不能改造成剧场。
  I had been to the play a great many times in New Orleans, and was wise in matters pertaining to the drama. 我多次去过新奥尔良的剧院,对于排戏这类事情无所不知。
  So here, in due time, was set up some extraordinary scenery of my own painting. 因此,我制作了绝妙的道具。
  The curtain, I recollect, though it worked smoothly enough on other occasions, invariably hitched during the performances. 可是幕布尽管做别的用途时一直很顺滑,演出时却被钩住了。
  The theater, however, was a success, as far as it went. 尽管如此,到目前为止,剧场的一切都很顺利。
  I retired from the business with no fewer than fifteen hundred pins,  我最后收获了一千五百多枚钉子,
  after deducting the headless, the pointless, and the crooked pins with which our doorkeeper frequently got "stuck." 还有很多没有帽、没有尖或弯曲的,剧场的看门人拿这些钉子也毫无办法。
  From first to last we took in a great deal of this counterfeit money. 从始至终,我们收到了不少这种“假币”。
  The price of admission to the "Rivermouth Theater" was twenty pins. 入场费是二十枚钉子。
  I played all the principal characters myself—not that I was a finer actor than the other boys, but because I owned the establishment. 我自己扮演了所有的主要角色——不是因为我更优秀,只是因为我是剧场的主人。