美国语文第四册 第177期:袭击纳梅亨(3)(在线收听

   In vain Martin stormed and cursed, in vain with his own hand he struck more than one of his soldiers dead. 尽管马丁暴跳如雷,大声咒骂,还亲手杀死了几个随从,

  He was swept along with the panic-stricken band, and when, shouting and gnashing his teeth with frenzy, 可是已经无济于事了。尽管他愤怒地大喊大叫,咬牙切齿,
  he reached the quay at last, he saw at a glance why his great enterprise had failed. 他的恐慌的随从还是裹带着他到达了码头,一眼他就明白了大队人马没赶到的原因。
  The few empty barges of his own party were moored at the steps;  几只空驳船系在踏板上,
  the rest were half a mile off, contending hopelessly against the swollen and rapid Waal. 其余的都在一英里以外漂浮着,无望地对抗着汹涌澎湃的瓦尔河。
  Schenk, desperately wounded, was left almost alone upon the wharf, for his routed followers had plunged helter-skelter into the boats, 码头上几乎只剩下重伤之下的申克一人,溃败的随从匆匆忙忙一头扎进小船,
  several of which, overladen in the panic, sank at once, leaving the soldiers to drown or struggle with the waves. 仓惶中由于分量太重,几艘船立刻沉了下去,士兵们或被淹死或在波涛里挣扎着。
  The game was lost. Nothing was left the freebooter but retreat. 游戏失败了,强盗们只得撤退。
  Reluctantly turning his back on his enemies, now in full cry close behind him,  申克不情愿地转过身,背对身后大声叫喊的人们,
  Schenk sprang into the last remaining boat just pushing from the quay. 跃入仅存的最后一只小船。
  Already overladen, it foundered with his additional weight,  小船已经超重,再加上他的体重,
  and Martin Schenk, encumbered with his heavy armor, sank at once to the bottom of the Waal. 立刻沉了下去,而申克由于浑身穿着甲胄,立刻沉入了瓦尔河底。
  Some of the fugitives succeeded in swimming down the stream,  一些人顺流游到了下游,
  and were picked up by their comrades in the barges below the town, and so made their escape. 被停靠在下游的同伙救起,成功逃跑了。
  Many were drowned with their captain. 很多人和他们的首领一起葬身水中。
  A few days afterward, the inhabitants of Nymwegen fished up the body of the famous partisan. 几天后,纳梅亨的居民打捞出来这个著名的强盗的尸体。
  He was easily recognized by his armor, and by his truculent face, still wearing the scowl with which he had last rebuked his followers. 从甲胄和他阴冷的面孔上很容易辨认他,他还带着责骂手下时的满脸怒容。