美国语文第四册 第178期:四季(在线收听

   Spring by H. G. Adams 春天 H. G. Adams作

  A bursting into greenness; 一片生机勃勃的绿,
  A waking as from sleep; 就像刚刚从睡梦中苏醒,
  A twitter and a warble  鸟儿发出啁啾的鸣叫,
  That make the pulses leap: 让我的脉搏跳动。
  A watching, as in childhood, 仍然像孩童时候一样,
  For the flowers that, one by one, 看着鲜花一朵朵,
  Open their golden petals  绽放着金色的花瓣,
  To woo the fitful sun. 好像在追求日光。
  A gust, a flash, a gurgle, 微风袭人,泉水淙淙。
  A wish to shout and sing, 我们多么想大声呼唤和歌唱,
  As, filled with hope and gladness, 我们呼唤春天来了,
  We hail the vernal Spring. 心中充满了希望和喜悦。
  Summer by Lowell 夏天 Lowell作
  Now is the high tide of the year, 夏天是一年的高峰,
  And whatever of life hath ebbed away  不论生命曾经消逝,
  Comes flooding back with a ripply cheer, 都已奔回,像荡漾的水波,
  Into every bare inlet and creek and bay. 充满了干涸的河流和小溪。
  We may shut our eyes, but we can not help knowing  即使闭上双眼,我也知道,
  That skies are clear and grass is growing; 天空清澈,小草茂盛,
  The breeze comes whispering in our ear, 微风似在耳语,
  That dandelions are blossoming near, 蒲公英也在绽放,
  That maize has sprouted, that streams are flowing, 玉米长出新芽,小河欢快流淌,
  That the river is bluer than the sky, 河水比天还蓝,
  That the robin is plastering his house hard by; 知更鸟也在忙着筑巢,
  And if the breeze kept the good news back  如果微风不把好消息送来,
  For other couriers we should not lack; 我们能猜出来,
  We could guess it all by yon heifer's lowing, 我们也不乏其他信使,
  And hark! how clear bold chanticleer,  牛犊哞哞叫着,
  Warmed with the new wine of the year,  雄鸡像饮了新酒,
  Tells all in his lusty crowing. 啼叫声多么嘹亮。
  Autumn by Thomas Hood 秋天 Thomas Hood作
  The autumn is old; 晚秋已经到来,
  The sear leaves are flying; 叶子也枯萎了,到处飞扬,
  He hath gathered up gold 曾经是绚丽的金秋,
  And now he is dying: 现在却走向死亡,
  Old age, begin sighing! 像老年人一样唏嘘着!
  The year's in the wane; 一年已快到头了,
  There is nothing adorning; 大自然也不再点缀,
  The night has no eve, 夜晚时黄昏很短,
  And the day has no morning; 白天也没有清晨,
  Cold winter gives warning. 冬天已经在逼近了。
  Winter by Charles T. Brooks 冬天 Charles T. Brooks作
  Now no plumed throng, 不再有人群佩戴羽饰,
  Charms the wood with song; 在树林中欢快地歌唱,
  Icebound trees are glittering; 树已结冰,闪着微光;
  Merry snowbirds, twittering, 快乐的雪鸟欢快歌唱,
  Fondly strive to cheer  天真地要把士气鼓舞,
  Scenes so cold and drear. 到处依然严寒和荒凉。
  Winter, still I see  我却能从冬天里看到,
  Many charms in thee, 冬天无穷无尽的魅力,
  Love thy chilly greeting, 当清晨寒气扑面而来,
  Snowstorms fiercely beating, 当暴雪猛烈敲打窗户,
  And the dear delights  即使长长的冬日夜晚,
  Of the long, long nights. 也有一种亲切的喜悦。