美国语文第四册 第179期:白兰地酒河浅滩(1)(在线收听

   The black, dreary night, seemed interminable. 漆黑单调的夜似乎没有止境。

  He could only guess, here and there, at a landmark,  所经过的地方,他只能通过路标作出推测,
  and was forced to rely more upon Roger's instinct of the road than upon the guidance of his senses. 甚至更多地依靠罗杰的本能来认路。
  Toward midnight, as he judged, by the solitary crow of a cock, the rain almost entirely ceased. 临近半夜,他听到了一声鸡鸣,心想雨快停了。
  The wind began to blow sharp and keen, and the hard vault of the sky to lift a little. 寒风刺骨,天空开阔了一点。
  He fancied that the hills on his right had fallen away, and that the horizon was suddenly depressed towards the north. 他感到右侧的山峦变远了,地平线也向北方移动。
  Roger's feet began to splash in constantly deepening water, and presently a roar, distinct from that of the wind, filled the air. 罗杰的蹄子在深水里溅起水花,突然,和四周的风声完全不同的咆哮声传来。
  It was the Brandywine. 这里是白兰地酒河。
  The stream had overflowed its broad meadow bottoms, and was running high and fierce beyond its main channel. 河水已经漫过宽广的低洼地带,漫过了主河道。
  The turbid waters made a dim, dusky gleam around him; soon the fences disappeared, and the flood reached to his horse's body. 四周浑浊的水闪烁着暗淡的光;围栏很快就看不见了,水涨到了马的身体。
  But he knew that the ford could be distinguished by the break in the fringe of timber; 但他知道还是可以通过围栏的缝隙分辨出浅滩来。
  moreover, that the creek bank was a little higher than the meadows behind it, and so far, at least, he might venture. 此外,河岸比低洼处高,他可以涉险过去。他可以涉险过去。
  The ford was not more than twenty yards across, and he could trust Roger to swim that distance. 浅滩只有二十码宽,罗杰一定能游过去。
  The faithful animal pressed bravely on, but Gilbert soon noticed that he seemed at fault. 忠实的罗杰奋力地向前游,可是吉尔伯特很快注意到他似乎犯了错误。
  The swift water had forced him out of the road, and he stopped from time to time, as if anxious and uneasy. 迅速上涨的河水迫使他离开了公路,必须不时停下来,显得急迫和不安。
  The timber could now be discerned, only a short distance in advance, and in a few minutes they would gain the bank. 可以看到,围栏就在前方不远,几分钟后就能到河岸了。