美国语文第四册 第193期:母亲的坟墓(3)(在线收听

   I did not tell anyone what troubled me, but stole back to my bed, resolved to rise early in the morning and tell her how sorry I was for my conduct. 我没有告诉别人困扰我的是什么,悄悄地回到我的床上,我下定决心第二天早晨告诉她我是多么后悔。

  The sun was shining brightly when I awoke, and, hurrying on my clothes, I hastened to my mother's chamber. 醒来时,太阳很刺眼,我急急忙忙换好衣服来到母亲的房间。
  She was dead! She never spoke more—never smiled upon me again; 她已经去世了!不再对我说什么,也不再对我微笑了;
  and when I touched the hand that used to rest upon my head in blessing, it was so cold that it made me start. 我触摸着她的手,她曾经把手放在我头上祝福我,现在是那么凉,使我吃了一惊。
  I bowed down by her side, and sobbed in the bitterness of my heart. 我跪在她的床边,心中凄苦地啜泣。
  I then wished that I might die, and be buried with her; and, old as I now am, 我多么希望我死了,和她埋在一起;现在不再年轻的我,
  I would give worlds, were they mine to give, could my mother but have lived to tell me she forgave my childish ingratitude. 如果能让母亲活着告诉我她已经原谅我儿时不懂得感恩,我愿意用全世界来交换——如果全世界都是我的。
  But I can not call her back; and when I stand by her grave, and whenever I think of her manifold kindness, 但是时间不会倒转;现在我站在母亲坟墓旁,想着慈祥的母亲,
  the memory of that reproachful look she gave me will bite like a serpent and sting like an adder. 记忆中她责备我的神情就像毒蛇一样啮咬着我。