美国语文第五册 第10期:温柔的手(5)(在线收听

   And now that soft hand was laid gently on the pony's neck, and a single low word spoken. 眼前,那只温柔的手轻轻放在小马驹的脖颈上,姑娘轻声慢语地对它说话。

  How instantly were the tense muscles relaxed—how quickly the stubborn air vanished! 不过转眼间,狄克紧张的肌肉已经松弛,僵持的坚冰终于打破。
  "Poor Dick!" said the maiden, as she stroked his neck lightly, or softly patted it with a childlike hand. “可怜的狄克,”那姑娘一边说,一边轻轻拍着小马驹的脖颈,或者不如说,用那满怀柔情的孩子般手拍打狄克,
  "Now, go along, you provoking fellow!" she added, in a half-chiding, yet affectionate voice, as she drew up the bridle. “该走了,你这让人生气的孩子!”她的话语中夹杂责备,亦不乏温情脉脉,说话间,她还提了提笼头。
  The pony turned toward her, and rubbed his head against her arm for an instant or two; 狄克朝她转过身来,用头朝她胳膊蹭动片刻,
  then, pricking up his ears, he started off at a light, cheerful trot,  然后竖立耳朵,轻快地跑起碎步,接着,尥开蹄子跑开了,
  and went on his way as freely as if no silly crotchet had ever entered his stubborn brain. 好像刚才不曾有任何怪异的念头盘踞在它那固执的小脑瓜里。
  "What a wonderful power that hand possesses!" said I, speaking to my companion, as we rode away. 马车跑起来了,“手,该有多么神奇!”我对身边的人说道。
  He looked at me for a moment, as if my remark had occasioned surprise. 农夫注视了我片刻,好像我的话使他偶发惊奇,
  Then a light came into his countenance, and he said briefly, "She's good! Everybody and everything loves her." 他的脸上闪过一丝喜悦,却只说了句,“她心地仁慈,这里的人和那些牲口都喜欢她。”
  Was that, indeed, the secret of her power? 的确,难道她有神奇力量的秘密?
  Was the quality of her soul perceived in the impression of her hand, even by brute beasts! 抑或她的灵魂高贵?
  The father's explanation was doubtless the true one. 这位父亲的话无疑道出了真相,
  Yet have I ever since wondered, and still do wonder, at the potency which lay in that maiden's magic touch. 从那以后,我确实想知道,甚至今天,似乎更想弄明白,那姑娘轻抚的手里究竟存在什么样的神奇魔力。
  I have seen something of the same power, showing itself in the loving and the good, 我见过同样的力量诉求,从容地表达爱恋与善行,
  but never to the extent as instanced in her, whom, for want of a better name, I must still call "Gentle Hand." 但从未见过类似这位姑娘手里升起的奇迹,她给我内心带来了惊悚震撼。如果让我用贴切的词语形容,我宁愿称呼她为“温柔的手”。