美国语文第五册 第48期:布莱兹夫人的挽歌(在线收听

   Good people all, with one accord, 善良的人,异口同声,

  Lament for Madam Blaize, 哀悼,布莱兹夫人,
  Who never wanted a good word—From those who spoke her praise. 生前,她不在意任何褒奖,尽管,他们发自内心称赞。
  The needy seldom passed her door, 穷人,很少从她的门前走过,
  And always found her kind; 她心地善良,济贫扶弱,
  She freely lent to all the poor—Who left a pledge behind. 她施舍众生,为人慷慨,借贷者,甚至只留下极少许诺。
  She strove the neighborhood to please, 她竭尽所能,造福乡梓,
  With manner wondrous winning: 心有谋略,变通灵活,
  She never followed wicked ways—Unless when she was sinning. 她为人坦荡,不耍诡计,除非,偶尔难以顾及。
  At church, in silks and satin new, 教堂里,那些豪绅贵妇,
  With hoop of monstrous size, 绫罗绸缎,裙裾飘飞,
  She never slumbered in her pew—But when she shut her eyes. 她闭上眼睛,聆听诵经,却从不曾经,打盹走神。
  Her love was sought, I do aver, 她追求者甚众,我敢断定,
  By twenty beaux and more; 那些人百般追求,倾心思慕,
  The king himself has followed her—When she has walked before. 她娉婷袅娜,走在街上,即便国王,亦趋尊随后。
  But now, her wealth and finery fled, 如今,她财富散尽美貌不再,
  Her hangers-on cut short all, 那些追随者,日渐稀疏,
  Her doctors found, when she was dead—Her last disorder mortal. 待最后离世,医生才发现,她身体衰竭,难以挽救。
  Let us lament, in sorrow sore; 悲哀深深,无以表述,
  For Kent Street well may say, 那条肯特大街,或许见证,
  That, had she lived a twelvemonth more—She had not died today. 她多活一年,该有多好,否则不会遗憾,她走得太早。