美国语文第五册 第64期:露西-福斯特(7)(在线收听

   Agnes had raised herself up in her bed at these words, but she sank gently back on her pillow; 听到这话,艾格尼丝飞快地从床上起身,但她的头仍无力地落到了枕头上;

  aunt Isabel was rooted to her chair; and Michael, as he rose up, felt as if the ground were sinking under his feet. 伊莎贝尔婶婶呆坐片刻,半晌没回过神来;迈克尔站了起来,仿佛天塌地陷。
  There was a dead silence all around the house for a short space, 房间里弥漫着死一般寂静,
  and then the sound of many voices, which again by degrees subsided. 随即爆发出一片欢快嘈杂,好一会才平息下来。
  The eyes of all then looked, and yet feared to look, toward the door. 所有目光都注视门口,似乎惴惴不安,又害怕张望。
  Jacob Mayne was not so good as his word, for he did not bring Lucy by the hand to restore her to her parents; 雅各·梅恩的话没有兑现,他并未亲手将孩子送到她父母的手中;
  but dressed again in her own bonnet and gown, and her own plaid, in rushed their own child, by herself,  露西还是往常一身装扮,她戴着帽子,穿着裙子,套着那件斜纹外衣,不由分说地冲了过来;
  with tears and sobs of joy, and her father laid her within her mother's bosom. 迈克尔悲喜交加,难以自禁,一把抱起女儿,将她投入母亲的怀抱。