美国语文第五册 第69期:小镇水泵(4)(在线收听

   There, my dear child, put down the cup, and yield your place to this elderly gentleman, 过来,我可爱的孩子,放下杯子,给走过来这位年迈绅士让条路来。

  who treads so tenderly over the paving stones that I suspect he is afraid of breaking them. 老人缓步地走过街上石子路,脚步很轻,我怀疑他似乎害怕会把石子踩碎。
  What! he limps by without so much as thanking me, as if my hospitable offers were meant only for people who have no wine cellars. 天呀!那老人蹒跚地走过,压根没想到对我心存感激,好像我的好意不过为了那些家里没有酒窖的酒鬼。
  Well, well, sir, no harm done, I hope! Go, draw the cork, tip the decanter; 好了,好了,先生,但愿你一点没有受伤!请过来,拔掉软木塞,倾倒那个热水瓶;
  but when your great toe shall set you a-roaring, it will be no affair of mine. 不过,一旦你那了不得的脚拇指让你咆哮起来,那可与我真是毫不相干。
  If gentlemen love the pleasant titillation of the gout, it is all one to the Town Pump. 如果绅士们都喜欢这种蹭痒游戏,对小镇水泵来说,也没什么!
  This thirsty dog, with his red tongue lolling out, does not scorn my hospitality, 这条干渴至极的狗,它红红的舌头耷拉外面,它并不厌恶我的殷勤好客。
  but stands on his hind legs, and laps eagerly out of the trough. 此时,它倚着后腿立起,急切地拍打水槽里流出的水,
  See how lightly he capers away again! Jowler, did your worship ever have the gout? 看呀,它那么快乐地再次雀跃跑开!好一条大颌狗!你的拜神仪式中竟然还有这等乐趣?
  Your pardon, good people! I must interrupt my stream of eloquence, 请你们原谅,好心的人。我得打断一下我的连珠妙语。
  and spout forth a stream of water to replenish the trough for this teamster and his two yoke of oxen, 我得赶紧喷水,眼见水槽里的水快要见底了。那个赶车的人走过来了,牵着他的双轭牛车,
  who have come all the way from Staunton, or somewhere along that way. 也许从斯坦顿或其他什么地方一路匆匆赶来。
  No part of my business gives me more pleasure than the watering of cattle. 没有什么事情能比我能为畜群提供饮水更开心。
  Look! how rapidly they lower the watermark on the sides of the trough, till their capacious stomachs are moistened with a gallon or two apiece, 看!水槽两边的水位标降得多快,直到它们个个喝得肚鼓腰圆,
  and they can afford time to breathe, with sighs of calm enjoyment! 不时地打上几声响嚏,发出快乐的喘息!
  Now they roll their quiet eyes around the brim of their monstrous drinking vessel. 好了,它们此刻正安详地望着各自鼓胀的胃囊。
  An ox is your true toper. 牛们,你们才是真正的豪饮者。