美国语文第五册 第71期:小镇水泵(6)(在线收听

   Then there will be no war of households. 那时,将不会有家庭战争,

  The husband and the wife, drinking deep of peaceful joy, a calm bliss of temperate affections, 夫妻一起静静享受岁月姝好,
  shall pass hand in hand through life, and lie down, not reluctantly, at its protracted close. 手牵手地走过温馨一生,面对死亡无怨无悔,直到绵延温情戛然而止。
  To them the past will be no turmoil of mad dreams, nor the future an eternity of such moments as follow the delirium of a drunkard. 在他们眼里,不曾有疯子癫狂梦魇的体验,亦不会有酒鬼谵妄错乱后的悔意不迭。
  Their dead faces shall express what their spirits were, and are to be, by a lingering smile of memory and hope. 那种记忆与希冀的微笑难以消逝,曾经以及未来爱恋的精神契合将在他们的脸上自然浮现。
  Drink, then, and be refreshed! 喝吧,接下来你会焕然一新!
  The water is as pure and cold as when it slaked the thirst of the red hunter, and flowed beneath the aged bough,  水,那么纯净透凉,何时才能平息杀戮者的嗜血疯狂?泉水淙淙,从苍劲古老的粗干虬枝下奔涌流出,
  though now this gem of the wilderness is treasured under these hot stones, where no shadow falls, but from the brick buildings. 尽管大漠荒烟里历史珍宝仍深藏在炽热岩浆中。那里天远地阔,没有遮蔽,唯有现代文明的阴翳庇护,
  But, still is this fountain the source of health, peace, and happiness, and I behold, with certainty and joy,  那才是人类康健和平乃至幸福的源泉。我确信它的到来,快乐地翘首以待。
  the approach of the period when the virtues of cold water, too little valued since our father's days, will be fully appreciated and recognized by all. 从耶稣诞生之日起,那曾经过于低估、清澈之水的种种美德,将会获得我们的充分评价与再度认知。