美国语文第五册 第72期:晚安(在线收听

   The sun has sunk behind the hills, 太阳,藏到山后了,

  The shadows o'er the landscape creep; 影子,蠕动在寥廓霜天,
  A drowsy sound the woodland fills, 森林里,响起长短不一的哈欠,
  As nature folds her arms to sleep: 大地,隆起臂膀开始睡眠,
  Good night—good night. 晚安,大家晚安!
  The chattering jay has ceased his din, 饶舌的,松鸡不再喧哗,
  The noisy robin sings no more; 啁啾的,知更鸟停止歌唱,
  The crow, his mountain haunt within, 风声乍起,惊飞一行寒鸦,
  Dreams 'mid the forest's surly roar: 安谧的梦,在浓密山峦滚下。
  Good night—good night. 晚安,大家晚安!
  The sunlit cloud floats dim and pale; 夕阳云朵,暮色里游动昏暗;
  The dew is falling soft and still, 露珠轻声,凝固起静穆悄然,
  The mist hangs trembling o'er the vale, 溪谷升起,雾霭颤栗的网,
  And silence broods o'er yonder mill: 徘徊很久,直到磨坊天边。
  Good night—good night. 晚安,大家晚安!
  The rose, so ruddy in the light, 大红玫瑰,落日里抖出亮丽,
  Bends on its stem all rayless now; 枝叶匍匐,收尽白昼光华,
  And by its side a lily white, 朦胧身边,白色娇艳百合,
  A sister shadow, seems to bow: 娉婷而立,仿佛谦卑致意,
  Good night—good night. 晚安,大家晚安!
  The bat may wheel on silent wing, 蝙蝠无声无息,空中盘旋,
  The fox his guilty vigils keep, 狐狸警觉,等待猎物出现,
  The boding owl his dirges sing; 猫头鹰,撕开夜的挽歌,
  But love and innocence will sleep: 爱情,进入童话梦幻。
  Good night. 晚安!