美国语文第五册 第85期:暴风雨(2)(在线收听

   The clouds now rolled in volumes over the mountain tops; their summits still bright and snowy, but the lower parts of an inky blackness. 云层翻卷滚过道道山峦,峰顶明晃晃地刺眼,峰峦下端黢黑模糊连成一片。

  The rain began to patter down in broad and scattered drops; the wind freshened, and curled up the waves; 雨滴噼里啪啦地落下,溅起大朵水珠,风,愈发清新,腾起高耸连天的浪花,
  at length, it seemed as if the bellying clouds were torn open by the mountain tops, and complete torrents of rain came rattling down. 然后,不断隆升的云层仿佛被山尖猛地撕开,暴雨哗哗如注,搅动漫天倾盆。
  The lightning leaped from cloud to cloud, and streamed quivering against the rocks, splitting and rending the stoutest forest trees. 闪电从一朵云旋即跳到另一朵云上,它们锐利的触角颤抖着撞向四处岩壁,猛力撕扯劈开那些粗硕高大的树木。
  The thunder burst in tremendous explosions; the peals were echoed from mountain to mountain; 震耳欲聋的雷声不时炸开,悬崖绝壁上的訇声雷裂渐次放大,在峰回水转中迸发一串串巨响。
  they crashed upon Dunderberg, and then rolled up the long defile of the Highlands,  轰鸣滚滚,扑打“邓德伯格号”船舷,然后越过半空苏格兰高地的狭长山谷,
  each headland making a new echo, until old Bull Hill seemed to bellow back the storm. 每逢凸崖,势必炸开新一轮力拔千钧,直到老牛山不停地哞哞吼叫,将暴风骤雨发狂地撵开。
  For a time the scudding rack and mist and the sheeted rain almost hid the landscape from the sight. 黑云催天压地,碎云疾驰穿梭,片状雨滴如泄似注从天而下,天地间几乎看不见手掌,周围一片可怕的混沌阴暗。
  There was a fearful gloom, illumined still more fearfully by the streams of lightning which glittered among the raindrops. 刹那间,接二连三的闪电穿过雨点,迸出一道道刺目光亮,那么瘆人惨白、狰狞可怖。
  Never had Dolph beheld such an absolute warring of the elements; 道尔夫从未目睹过如此怪异纷呈的天象,
  it seemed as if the storm was tearing and rending its way through the mountain defile, and had brought all the artillery of heaven into action. 似乎暴风骤雨慌不择路,欲冲破山涧中那条峡谷,愣是凶猛异常地撕开一条血路。天上雷公电母前来相助,调遣麾下所有的天兵天将,将箭矢枪炮一应辎重悉数投入了战斗。