美国语文第五册 第95期:北美食米鸟(1)(在线收听

   The happiest bird of our spring, however, and one that rivals the European lark in my estimation, is the boblincoln, or bobolink as he is commonly called. 依我看来,可以和欧洲云雀媲美、北美春天最快乐的鸟,该是北美食米鸟,食米鸟为北美人习惯俗称。

  He arrives at that choice portion of our year which, in this latitude, answers to the description of the month of May so often given by the poets. 就地理纬度而言,食米鸟通常五月出现,诗人在五月的季节抒怀与之呼应,人们钟爱的五月阳光最终光临。
  With us it begins about the middle of May, and lasts until nearly the middle of June. 大约五月中旬,食米鸟飞来,盘桓此地将近一月。
  Earlier than this, winter is apt to return on its traces, and to blight the opening beauties of the year; 早些的冬天季节,人们易于勘查食米鸟的踪迹,然而,肆意的覆巢行为意味摧毁一年的美好开局。
  and later than this, begin the parching, and panting, and dissolving heats of summer. 再晚些日子,天气炙热焦干,让人简直喘不过气来,老天仿佛释放出夏季的所有热量。
  But in this genial interval, Nature is in all her freshness and fragrance, the rains are over and gone, the flowers appear upon the earth, 只有五月气候凉爽适宜,大自然袒露出每一朵的清新芬芳,雨季结束了,花朵绽放,
  the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in the land. 鸟儿鸣啾,海龟也爬上岸来。
  The trees are now in their fullest foliage and brightest verdure; 满树叶片蓊郁得碧绿晃眼,
  the woods are gay with the clustered flowers of the laurel; 森林里洋溢着月桂花朵的成簇欢乐;
  the air is perfumed with the sweetbrier and the wild rose; the meadows are enameled with clover blossoms; 蔷薇和野生玫瑰的芬芳浓郁;草地上铺满苜蓿草花朵,瓷釉般亮丽,
  while the young apple, peach, and the plum begin to swell, and the cherry to glow among the green leaves. 苹果梨子还有李子的青嫩果实正在急遽地胀大,绿叶中草莓但见猩红艳丽点点。
  This is the chosen season of revelry of the bobolink. 食米鸟狂欢的季节来临,
  He comes amid the pomp and fragrance of the season; his life seems all sensibility and enjoyment, all song and sunshine. 这是它们翩翩飞来的隆重庆典,穿梭在馥郁花海的盛大节日。食米鸟一生追逐快乐、追逐阳光,情感丰富,引吭高歌。
  He is to be found in the soft bosoms of the freshest and sweetest meadows, and is most in song when the clover is in blossom. 它乐于栖息在水丰草美的牧场或草原。当苜蓿绽开细碎的花朵,它总喜欢在花丛里鸣啾歌唱。
  He perches on the topmost twig of a tree, or on some long, flaunting weed, 它时而亦会伫立高高树枝,或风中招摇的细长草尖。
  and, as he rises and sinks with the breeze, pours forth a succession of rich, tinkling notes, crowding one upon another, 它随着微风雀跃腾飞,流泻出一连串美妙音符,佩铃叮当。它清脆的鸣啾此起彼伏,
  like the outpouring melody of the skylark, and possessing the same rapturous character. 宛如云雀的清脆歌喉,充满狂性和热烈的质感。