冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1141期:第五十四章 琼恩(18)(在线收听

   He ate the egg in two bites and flicked a bit of shell out from between his teeth. 他两大口吞下煮蛋,从齿缝间吐出几片蛋壳。

  "Your brother is in the field with all the power of the north behind him. “你的兄弟虽然上了战场,但他身后有全北境的军力,
  Any one of his lords bannermen commands more swords than you'll find in all the Night's Watch. 随便他哪一个封臣手下的士兵都比整个守夜人军团的人加起来还多,
  Why do you imagine that they need your help? 你觉得他们会需要你的帮助?
  Are you such a mighty warrior, or do you carry a grumkin in your pocket to magic up your sword?" 难道说你真那么厉害,还是说你随身带着古灵精怪,帮你的剑附加魔法?”
  Jon had no answer for him. 琼恩无话可说。
  The raven was pecking at an egg, breaking the shell. 乌鸦啄着一颗蛋,穿破蛋壳,
  Pushing his beak through the hole, he pulled out morsels of white and yoke. 将长长的喙伸进去,拉出丝丝蛋白和蛋黄。
  The Old Bear sighed. "You are not the only one touched by this war. 熊老叹道:“你也不是惟一被战争波及的人。
  Like as not, my sister is marching in your brother's host, her and those daughters of hers, dressed in men's mail. 依我看,我妹妹此刻也应该带着她那群女儿,穿着男人的盔甲,加入你兄弟的军队去了南方。
  Maege is a hoary old snark, stubborn, short-tempered, and willful. 梅格是个上了年纪的老怪物,个性固执,脾气又差,
  Truth be told, I can hardly stand to be around the wretched woman, 说实话,我根本受不了那糟女人,
  but that does not mean my love for her is any less than the love you bear your half sisters." 但这并不代表我对她的感情不如你爱你的异母妹妹。”
  Frowning, Mormont took his last egg and squeezed it in his fist until the shell crunched. 莫尔蒙皱着眉头拾起最后一颗蛋,用力握住,直到外壳碎裂。
  "Or perhaps it does. Be that as it may, I'd still grieve if she were slain, yet you don't see me running off. “或许不如你。但总之,她若在战场上被杀,我一定很难过,可你瞧,我并没打算逃跑。
  I said the words, just as you did. My place is here... where is yours, boy?" 因为我和你一样都发过誓,我的职责所在是这里……你呢,孩子?”